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"it's okay azari

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"it's okay azari." taurus consoled as she cried in his arms. "n-n-noo he was so broken." she stammered as more hot tears fell.

she had told trap— samir everything about what happened since he was gone and he was devastated.

"azari stop being weird bro, where is she." he laughed making her all the more sad, everyone had been trying so adamantly since he was released to get him to stop thinking about minnie but that's the only person he was missing right now. getting him to stop was all but impossible.

"she's deceased," azari lowly said making him scrunch up his face. "y-your kidding right. if so that's a sick joke and you know it." he said in disbelief feeling his breathing quicken.

"no samir—" she said not referring to his nickname anymore. "she is gone." she said as tears clouded her vision. she walked up to him offering a much needed hug. he accepted holding her tight.

"when?" he sniffed.

"officially about 3 months ago but really a few months after giving birth 11 months after your incarceration." she spoke making him look up.

"birth?" he said making her shake her head. "his name is sakai and he's 4 years old." she cried making his mouth drop into an "O" shape.

thinking about it he could possible be the father but it was unlikely. even though they both engulfed in sexual activity a baby? couldn't be his right.

"you know who the dad is right?" he stammered which she nodded to, "he is deceased as well suicide," she said which he nodded to.

his heart was aching right now but he could only deal with the pain and accept it. one thing prison taught him is that's it's better to deal with things when there happening and not avoid them. getting mad and acting on those hurt emotions only cause more pain for yourself and others around you.

flash over.

"I know azari I know." he consoled making her cry even more. she was glad he was there always there. she knew she was a burden sometimes and treated him awful but she was glad he was still there. she definitely was going to heal from these wounds for him and their family.

she needed to get better to not only support her boyfriend but his child and her nefew. new goals and an all new mindset was in order this old broken and scarred azari was about to be done with. she was going to take the incitive to be better.

"I think I should go to therapy and seek help. I can't keep going like this taurus i'm gonna burn out— fast." she said wiping her tears. she leaned up to look at him. his face was so warming and comforting.

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