Taehyung didn't like that position..' he clenched his fists so tightly..' the way hobi was looking at him and the guy was looking at hobi was making him uneasy..' that guys was looking so handsome it's no doubt..'

Then they're both came into senses and he slowly make him stand properly.

"Thank you.. hobi said with small smile.."

"No worries you should focus while you're walking.." that boy said with cute smile..' suddenly hobi remembered those words which taehyung talk with him at beginning..'

"Y-yeah.. hobi said with small smile..'

"I'm Minho.." nice to meet you.." Minho extended his hand for shake hand..'

Hobi looked at him and his hands he felt something positive vibe when he was talking with him..
"I'm hoseok.." nice to you meet you too..' they're both shakes their hands..'

But did they're know..? One handsome boy was fuming in anger and clenching his fists so tightly..'while looking at hobi and that new boy..he really hate it..

Hobi smiled at him walk away from their..' but Minho was looking at Hobi until he disappeared..'

Taehyung was looking at him with piercing eyes.

He should be happy right.' Than why he was feeling so sad when hobi didn't came towards him..?
He went to his class with heavy heart..

? He went to his class with heavy heart

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New character...


Welcome to my innocent cutie book sir..'
Jimin walking to the class along with Eric..'
nowadays namjoon trying to makes them together jimin was spending some time with Eric even he didn't like to spent some time with others but he have to do he have to forget about jungkook..' he want to kill those beautiful memories..' but he can't to that..' when ever he's staying with Eric his thoughts was again drifting into jungkook memories. he thought he can forget about him..' but no.. it's really hard to forget about him.

Whenever jungkook came to the university he saw Eric and Jimin together..' it's really hurts him a lot..' he thought why jimin was closer to Eric..' but he didn't dare to ask about it..' he calmly walk away..' with hurtful heart..'

(Poor kookie)

Hobi was in class and writing in his notes..' then someone interrupted their class and teacher was looking at them..'

"Ok class today we have a new student..' please introduce your self..'

hobi looked at him and he remembered that same guys which he helped him in morning corridor..'

"Hi I'm Minho" i'm from Australia..' hope we will all get along..' and nice meeting you all..' Minho introduced them with beautiful smile..'

Whole class was widened their eyes when they saw handsome boy..' he was really so so handsome and he had charming smile..' he looking like dream boy for every girl.

INNOCENT CUTIE ( JIKOOK/VHOPE )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt