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~Can I pleeeease?~

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~Can I pleeeease?~

Morticia's POV

"SHE COULD'VE BEEN KILLED!" I screamed. "Hmm. You've never been so defensive over someone..." Larissa teased. "Oh shut up!" I growled. "You're in a better mood than usual. Instead of just getting annoyed last time you almost tackled me," she said. "Did not!" "You most definitely did," "I'm about to murder you," I said glaring at her. "Proves my point entirely. But yes, I will speak to someone and get the ladders replaced," she said looking at some paperwork. "Thank you!" I said, highly annoyed. I walked back towards my office, highly annoyed. "Mrs. Addams?" Asked a voice. "It is past curfew, please tell me why you are out of bed?" I asked, turning to see who it was. "Oh, Wednesday, darling, I didn't notice you," I said. Wednesday was now 26 but she was a student teacher here at Nevermore. "Please do not call me darling. I am not darling. I was wondering why the ladder in the library was broken?" She asked. "They were old and a student fell," I shrugged. "Are they getting them fixed?" She asked. "Yes. Don't worry," I unlocked the door to my office. "Isn't your dorm that one?" She asked pointing directly across the hall. "Yes but I have paperwork to finish," I explained. "Alright then. Thing, come along," she said. Thing crawled onto her shoulder and they walked off. I sat at my desk and read through the papers. "Why can't I just burn them..." I groaned. I closed my eyes for a few minutes. "Mrs. Addams?" A voice asked. I sighed and got up to open the door. When I did, light shined through. I hissed and covered my eyes. I must've fallen asleep. "I was wondering if I could go in the library? It's locked for some reason. Can I pleeeease?" Y/n begged. "Sure," I headed towards the library and unlocked it. "Don't be late for my class got it?" I said. "Ok. Which class do you teach?" "Herbology," I replied, crossing my arms and leaning against the doorframe. "Got it. I won't be a second late," she promised. I nodded and headed toward the greenhouse. The kids were already there. "You're late!" One of the kids called. "Talk back again and I cut out your tongue," I threatened, not even looking at him. He shut up real quick and I wrote on the chalkboard. I drew four plants and labeled them A, B, C and D. A few seconds later someone rushed in. "Sorry! I didn't realize this was my second period," they gasped. "Y/n?" I asked. She smiled sheepishly. "I'll sit down..." she muttered. I leaned over and rested my hands on my desk. "Yes. You will also stay after class. Now can anyone tell me what these three plants are?" I asked. A few hands nervously rose up. I nodded at one of the girls. "Is A a Black Dahlia?" She asked. "No," I said coldly. I chose someone else. "A is Wolfsbane," he muttered. "Wrong again. You two, tutorials after school. Can anybody tell me? It is not that hard," I sighed. Y/n's hand instantly shot up. "You seem quite confident. Go," I said. "A is hemlock. B is belladonna. C is an African strangler. And D is nightshade berries," she said confidently. I studied her for a few minutes. I stood up slowly. "Correct," I said while looking at her. Almost no one had gotten this, yet the new student did. She then looked at her hand and her eyes widened. She began to fidget with her hands. "Are you ok?" I asked. "Can I go to the bathroom?!" She asked quickly. She didn't wait for me to respond and rushed out. "Everyone stay here. If I find out anything bad I will not be happy," I followed after her. "Y/n? Is everything ok?" I asked her again. I caught up to her just as she took out a pocket knife and cut something between her fingers. "What did you just cut?" I asked. She continued to walk and ignored me. "Y/n don't ignore me!" I said. I grabbed her wrist and spun her around. "What was that?" I asked putting both of my hands on her shoulders. "I'm a Fate. In case you didn't know. An Atropos Fate," I muttered. "Oh..." I whispered. I slowly removed my hands from her shoulder. "Why are you so upset about it then?" I asked. "It was someone I know- knew..." she corrected herself. "Who?" "An old friend. She was a Fate as well," she pushed passed me and headed back to class. I sighed and followed her. The kids were dead silent. By the time we got back everyone was packing up. "Class dismissed. Except you," I pointed to Y/n. She walked up to me, backpack in hand. "Why were you late?" I asked. "I got sidetracked. I apparently also missed first period which is," she checked her schedule. "Math. Ugh. I hate math," "What's your next class?" "I don't know. Umm... Art," she looked at me. "Do you-" "As soon as you walk out take a right, keep going to then end of the hallway and turn left. It's the door with flowers painted on it," I cut her off. "Thanks," she muttered. "Sorry about your friend," I said, sitting down in my chair. "It doesn't matter..." she muttered. "Why not?" I asked. "I can also see their lives before I kill them..." she said quietly. "And?" I asked. "She was a bitch. Ok?" She quickly hurried out of the room. I sighed and waited for my next class. The classes went by as usual, kids being stupid, me yelling at them. The usual. As I put on my jacket, the two kids from second period walked in. "We're here for tutorials," the girl said. "I'm well aware why you're here. I'm not stupid," I muttered. "You can just go to your dorms," I said. I put on my jacket and stared at them expectingly. "Now," I commanded. They rushed out of the room. I loved it when kids were afraid. As I headed to my office I heard muffled crying. "Fuck..." I muttered. I sighed and headed to Y/n's dorm. I knocked on the door, heard shuffling around and Y/n opened the door, a scared expression on her face. "Are you ok? I heard crying," I asked. She shook her head, her hands behind her back. "Y/n. Show me your hands," I said. She shook her head again. "Open your mouth," I commanded. She sighed and opened her mouth. "Better?" She asked, she had definitely been crying. Instantly I turned her around and lifted up her sleeves. "Y-y/n...?" I whispered. Blood dripped down her arms. "What did you do?!" I asked, my voice full of anger. "I didn't do it!" She cried. I noticed that a window was broken and the closet door was cracked. I walked passed her and headed towards the closet, taking out the knife I kept. "Mrs. Addams!" Y/n tried to stop me. I opened the closet door and instantly a bat flew at me, transforming into a human, putting a knife to my neck. I merely chuckled. I kicked the vampire's foot and tripped them, pinning them to the ground with my heel. "You're not a student," I muttered. "What brings you here," I put the knife at their throat. "That Fate will bring great destruction to this world. It is part of the Cassidy prophecy. You, Morticia Addams know well of Fates, do you not?" The vampire hissed. "It does not matter. He was a coward. Deserved to die," the vampire laughed. "Don't you dare speak of him that way," I pressed the knife harder agains their neck. "Don't say I didn't warn you," turning into a bat, the vampire flew out the window. Y/n stood frozen in the doorway. I shut the door behind her and grabbed some bandages from my desk drawer. "Show me your arms," I commanded. She hesitantly extended her arms. "Now this is going to hurt," I warned. I carefully poured some rubbing alcohol on her cuts. She bit her lip in pain. I then cleaned up the blood and wrapped the bandages around her arms. "Now, are you going to tell me what that was all about?" I asked. "He kept going on about my family's curse or something. I don't really know. Something about how I would destroy the world. He said something to you too didn't he?" She asked. "That's not important," I told her. "What did he say?" She asked. I sighed. "He said something about Gomez, my ex-husband..." I muttered. "Oh..." "Next time something like that happens you let me know. I can't have a student dying on my watch," I told her. "You only came cause I'm your responsibility?" She asked a bit hurt. I didn't respond. Instantly I looked up, and the scene changed. I looked around. I hadn't had visions in a while, so why now? I was in Larissa's office. Y/n was yelling at her over something. She then stormed out cursing under her breath. Then Y/n was on the ground covered in blood. I tried to get to her but the vision stopped. I woke up back in present time to Y/n calling my name. "Mrs. Addams!" She cried. She was next to me and didn't know what was going on. I blinked a few times and regained me senses. I was still holding the doorframe and standing as I was just moments before. "What was that?" She asked. "A vision..." I muttered. She seemed scared, almost. "I thought you were dying," she sighed. "I wish," I muttered. "Try to get some sleep," I closed the door behind me. I was determined to do everything I could to stop that vision from happening. I was not going to let her die on my watch. Not because she was a responsibility, but she seemed to grow on me.

Fate   (Morticia Addams x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now