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I sat in the library for a while, just reading. I looked around when I heard the doors open. Mrs. Addams. I stayed silent and continued to read. "What are you doing?" She asked. I had somewhat expected an apology but ignored her. "Let me guess you expected an apology. In all the years I have worked here never once have I ever said 'please' or 'I'm sorry'," she told me. The way she said it made me shift in my chair. I looked at her and just stared. I'd never really gotten to see her like that. "If you're going to stare at least make it less obvious," she growled. "Yeah, sorry," I muttered. She groaned in annoyance when she looked at the table. "No matter what I do, the petals jut grow back," she said annoyed. I realized she was taking about the roses in the vase. She took a pair of scissors from one of the tables and proceeded to cut off each petal. I looked at her strangely. "Perfect," she sighed dreamily. "Why do you do that?" I asked. "Gomez was allergic. So I fixed them," she smiled. "Who's Gomez?" I asked intrigued. "He was my husband," she said. "Why do you kept saying was?" I asked. "He died before I started teaching here. 6 years ago," she said sadly. "I'd met my soulmate once. But it was odd. I couldn't tell who it was. I felt them when I saw a little girl around the age of 6. This was a decade ago though," she laughed halfheartedly. "Yeah same. I saw a woman and felt my soulmate nearby," I said, staring at her dreamily. "Are y'all aloud to date students?" I asked hopefully. "Why? Hoping you have a chance?" She asked turning the page of her book. "Just wondering," I lied. "We're not supposed to. But it's not like anyone follows the rules. In fact, Larissa's soulmate is a student," she chuckled. I turned to her quickly. "I know I shouldn't have said it, but it was worth it for the look on your face," she said. "When I met you I thought you were nice," I said. "I am nice, if you're on my good side," she said. "Am I?" I asked. "No. But you're not on my bad side. I need to get to know you before I decide," she said. "Ok," I responded. Eventually I put my book down and looked for another. "These ladders are very unstable..." I said a bit scared, on top of the old ladder. One of the steps cracked. "Ok... just grab the book and go..." I whispered. It snapped and a few beneath it broke as well, leaving me hanging onto the ladder. The ladder began to fall and I had to grab onto the shelf. The crash got Mrs. Addams' attention. "Y/n? Are you ok?" She called. "Umm. No! Not really!" I responded. She got up and headed towards the shelf. "Y/N!" She called. "Shit. I told them this was dangerous," she muttered. "You need to carefully climb down," she said. "Easy for you to say! You're not 30 feet in the air!" I screamed. That was not an exaggeration. "Just try!" She said. I slowly climbed down, but I missed a step about ten feet from the ground. I screamed as I fell backwards. However, Mrs. Addams caught me. She set me down and examined me. "Are you ok?" She asked. I nodded. I smirked and showed her the book I had grabbed. "Really. You had to grab that?!" She asked. "Sorry..." I muttered. "Just be more careful. I'll let Larissa know about this," she told me. I nodded. "Are you sure you're ok?" She asked. I nodded again. She sighed and led me back to my dorm. "It's late, you should head to bed," she told me. "Good or bad?" I asked. "Oh my gosh, really?" She asked. I nodded. "Just for that, bad," she glared at me. I looked down sadly. "Only joking," she smiled as she walked away. "Mrs. Addams?" I asked. She stopped waking and hummed in response. "Does that mean I'm on your good side?" I asked hopefully. "Yes. Yes it does," she headed towards Weems' office to inform her about what happened in the library.

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