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~ I will murder you and I will enjoy it~

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~ I will murder you and I will enjoy it~

"Y/N!" I continued to run down the hall, praying she wouldn't catch me. "Professor Wednesday!" I smiled when I saw her. "How do you calm your mother down?" I asked sheepishly. She shrugged and walked off. "Shit!" I groaned. "Y/N CASSIDY GET BACK HERE!" She screamed. It felt like a bad horror movie, especially since I tripped. About an hour ago, I may or may not have decorated her dorm with flowers. Not thorns- flowers- like daises and roses and violets. It was to get back at her for giving me a bad grade. Not smart- yeah I know. It wasn't long before she caught up with me. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" She screamed. "That language is not tolerated-" one glare and I immediately shut up. "I will murder you and I will enjoy it!" She growled, her hand on my throat. "Please... please I'm sorry," I begged. Her hand tightened around my neck. After a few seconds she let go. I gasped for air. "I'm sorry," I begged her. Her expression softened. "Next time I won't be so nice," she said. "Can you go back to being soulmate Morticia? I know I know, it's only been 2 weeks but I can't handle it!" I said. "If I do this, people will start to suspect something," she told me. "And? What about Larissa?" I asked. She shot me a death glare. "Sorry- What about Ms. Weems?" I corrected myself. "Fine, but if people get suspicious, I'm going back to being teacher," she said. "Ok," I said, wrapping my arms around her neck. "Thank you," I told her. She went to push me off of her, but realized nobody was around. "I have to go to class. So do you," she reminded me that this was still passing period. "Ok. Love you," I said, kissing her cheek. "I love you too," she smiled at me, kissing my cheek in return. I went to walk off. "Wait a second," she pulled me back and wiped the lipstick off my cheek. "Now go," she said. I smiled and headed to class. The only class I really like was with Morticia. And- "Y/N? Are you paying attention?" The teacher snapped me out of my thoughts. "Hmm? Sorry. What?" I asked. "If you keep getting distracted I'll send you to-" "Principal Weems?" I guessed. "No. I'll do you one better. Mrs. Addams," she smiled, proud with herself. The other kids stood shocked. "Do your worst. See if care," I scoffed. "Good. Because I already called her," just then Morticia walked through the door. "Hey, Tish!" I smiled at her. The other kids all stared at me as though I'd just killed someone. She glared at me. "What?" I asked. "My. Office," she said. She had obviously had a horrible day. I didn't move. "NOW!" She screamed. I rolled my eyes and walked towards her office. "What was that?" She asked. "What was what?" I smiled innocently. "Would you be respectful for once?!" She screamed. I flinched and backed up. "What was that?" She asked me. I didn't respond. She stepped towards me but I backed into the wall. "Darling, what's wrong?" She asked, her expression softening. I looked at the ring on her finger, then back to her eyes. "Hey, it's ok. I won't hurt you," she said. She put a strand of hair behind my face. I closed my eyes and waited for her to hit me. "What happened?" She asked. I stayed silent. She pulled me into a hug. Tears subconsciously flowed down my face. "Shh, it's ok," she told me. "I'm sorry," I whispered. "No, no there's no need to apologize," "I disrespected you," I rested my head on her shoulder. She took me into her office, still crying, and sat on the loveseat next to me. She looked at her ring. "Was it this?" She asked. I slowly nodded. She took off the ring and put it on her desk. "What happened?" she asked, although we both knew the answer. "You know I'd never really hurt you. Right?" She reassured me. I nodded. "Sorry," I told her. "For being rude. Back in the classroom," "It's alright. I was kind of on edge. Larissa finds a way of getting on my nerves," She laughed a bit. "I love you," she told me. "I love you too,". She lit the fireplace and then resumed her spot on the couch. I laid on her and watched the flames cast shadows in the room. "Now, when you go back tomorrow, you have to pay attention. I have a reputation to uphold," she joked. I smiled. "No promises. I like to be the scary one," I replied. "Fine. Just not around the school ok?" She asked. I nodded in response. "Look at me," she said quietly. I looked at her, confused. She smiled lightly, but didn't say anything. "That," she said. "Just made my day,"

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