Part 55

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That evening, Evie sitting on their bed, the pillows at her back,  looked at Seth as he approached their bed. "Ella, said you told her that your action temporarily cost me her friendship!"

Seth wondered whether he had ignited another fire. But he also knew that he was not going to lie. Time to weather and negotiate bumps, he reminded himself and said, "Yeah, that was true, Evie."

She pulled the duvet over her shoulder and snuggled against her pillow, "Seth, you know that is not true." He could hear the sincerity in her voice. 

He shook his head ruefully, "It is true...."

She watched as Seth flipped the duvet and joined her in the bed. And again, her heart raced. She licked her lips, and remembered she had something to say to him, "My action, I jumped to conclusions, and it cost me her friendship. Thankfully temporary!" She sighed, again, did her best not to gawk at him as he removed his tshirt. "Er, er, one of my negative traits in my personality, is to jump to conclusions. I heard what she called you but did not wait to get her version or what you said to her."

For the first time, Seth thought this opportunity was his best option, perhaps he could persuaded her to tell him exactly how she felt about him. "Evie, have you ever wondered why you backed me and not her, that day?" He dropped his t-shirt on the bedside cabinet. Seth hoped he could prompt her to reveal her feelings for him. "She is a good friend. A loyal friend. You and I both know that." He wiggled closer. "So why didn't you back her?"

She just shrugged. Squirmed on the insides she mumbled, "Supporting my husband. Isn't that normal? Backing your partner" She glanced at him, and found him watching her, "Just offering you my backing. As your wife, if I do not support you, this marriage would crumble in seconds. " Again gulped, when he just settled against the pillows, his chest bare with the duvet edge draped over his hips. "So of course, I backed you." She knew, as a young girl, she often wondered if her parents, at anytime, put their wishes ahead of their own. "Is that the backbone of a solid relationship?"

"Yes." He rolled onto his side, facing her, and his gaze roamed over her face, and could see that she was finding this conversation difficult. "Yes, I agree, Evie, and for your information, as your husband, I would always look out for you." His serious eyes added weight to his statement, "You are my priority. What about you, Evie?"

"What do you mean?" She squirmed, and patted her pillow and again her heart thumped.

"Why did you back me, Evie?" Still on his side, he propped his head on his palm, and his eyes traced her tongue as it licked her lower lip before it was caught between her teeth. "You took my side, against your good friend. Why?"

She shrugged, considered for a moment then said "Are you tell me you don't want me to take your side..."

He narrowed his eyes, and wondered whether to abandon this conversation before she scrambles away. "You know that is not what I am asking you Evie!"

Evie took the easy option, and couched her reply in general terms, "Well, from my experience, any supportive relationship, whether between mother and kid, or married couple, like us, it enables us to achieve more that you can do on your own. Like Sam and Elsie and me and my mum, the farm survived because we were there, for each other." And she silently tacked on, and backed with unconditional love. A smidgeon of jealousy permeated each cell, as she wondered whether any man would offer unconditional love.

Seth acknowledged that, and added, "Yes, I agree. But what does it mean for us? What is the supportive relationship between us? Based on what exactly? And if it enables you, or me to achieve more that you or I do on our own, why is that you have not touched the account I set up for you? I have not helped you to achieve more in your venture...."

She said grudgingly, "Well, I have not helped you to achieve more in your own venture..."

"Yes, but I started that business years ago, and you have helped me, look at the girls, without you, they would not be living here, with us." Seth sighed, and again his eyes watched her tongue as it slicked her lips, "You started your business after we met, but you are doing it on your own." He narrowed his eyes, "Without any help from me."

She said nothing and glanced away.

It was the sadness in her eyes that he noticed once again. So he asked, "Is that because of your father?"

She looked up at him startled. "Sorry?" Came the rather cautious reply.

"Your father, because he did not offer to help your mother or you," he hesitated for a second as he took in the fact that she was near to tears. "Evie, I am not trying to upset you, but your father bled the farm dry, leaving you with his debts for you to service. His behaviour has left scars on your heart."

She caught her lip between her teeth waited a second to make sure she wasn't going to cry then said, "True."

"Evie, do you think I am like him?"

She shook her head. "No." She said with a frown. "You are a good man. He wasn't." She sounded distressed and miserable. "I knew, even when I was toddler, I recognized he was a poor father." She widened her eyes to stop the tears from falling. She gulped and said softly, "I guess it took a few years to realize that he was a poor husband." Seth could hear the sadness in her tone and the tears in her voice. She blew out a breath as she steadied herself once again. "He was a terrible man!" He could hear the wistfulness and the pain in her tone. Evie took another breath before she said, "My father had no heart at all!" Evie said quietly and brushed at the tears, turned and faced Seth. "You are nothing like my father." She sniffed as she tried not to cry.

He was not sure, his heart breaking as he wondered whether he had caused this much pain when he'd been thoughtless with his actions and words. He racked his brain for something to say.

Evie smiled wanly, "Seth, I know you have a good heart. You can see it in your actions. You are great with your nieces. You are kind. You know how often you go into bat for people? Take me, and  Elsie and Sam, you bailed us."

Quietly he shifted on the bed, "Then, why wouldn't you let me help you?" He could see, that she was still very wary. Seth moved, pinning her beneath him. Slowly he shifted, braced by his forearms he looked her straight in the eyes. "I love you." He leaned forward brushed the tip of her nose with his lips in a tender kiss. Then he brushed a lock of hair off her cheek, "I think you love me. But do not want to declare it." Her eyes misted. He thought she loved him, but he wanted confirmation. "Do you love me, Evie?" 

She gulped and nodded. Seth sent a quick glance to heaven as he sent another silent thanks.

He planted a quick kiss on her lip. With his eyes full of love, and tenderness he said, "Say it."  His eyes snagging and holding hers. 

She caught her lips between her teeth. Seconds elapsed. He watched as she took a deep breath before she admitted, "I love you, Seth." Eyes sparked with relief and delight. 

He beamed, "You love me." He leaned in, kissed her again, and then added, before he lowered his head and kissed her, he whispered against her lips, "I  love you with all my heart, Evie."  

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