Part 51

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When Evie woke the next morning just after six she found herself entangled in limbs. Seth's leg lay across her calf, foot pinned down her ankles. His hand lay just above the waist line of her track pants. He knew the instant that she awoke, because she moved. For almost the entire night she had not moved. The pillow was still clutched beneath her head, her legs were still slightly bent at the knee, and she had lain on her side and slept soundly.

"Morning." His breath whispered just above her t-shirt collar. "Did I compliment you on your night attire last night?" She had come to bed in black tracksuit pants and a tshirt.

"What?" She murmured and stretched slowly, arching her back. Then froze. He was pressed against her, his hardness lay against her lower back.

He waited for her eyes to make contact, "Want me to jump your bones?" He teased as his fingers stroked the bare skin on her stomach.

She chewed her lower lip, "No thanks." She replied through a yawn. "I wouldn't want you to do anything you didn't want to do." She muttered with a sulky pout. Now what, she wondered, just slither out from the bed, or stay here and pretend this was normal. She glared at him.

 He wiggled his eyebrows, "You don't think I want to?"smiled knowingly before laughing. Last night, he just watched her sleeping. And the more he thought about the fact she was fast asleep, in his bed, that give him some confidence and hope. He could not help the smile when his heart told him, surely that meant she trusted him.

Evie shot him a fulminating look,"We all know guys wake up with a hard on." She announced in a peremptory manner and he roared in delighted. Evie rolled her eyes and then added sleepily, "What time is it?" She rubbed her eyes, and again yawned.

He laughed happily and inched closer, "Too early to get out of bed."

She placated, lying blatantly. "Ok. I'm going back to sleep."  Who was she kidding, her heart was hammering. She rolled over onto side, put a hand behind her head and closed her eyes. Seth chuckled.

He lifted up on one arm and leaned in to whisper in her ear, "Evie," his tongue playfully licked her ear lob, before "I didn't say anything about sleep." 

He moved his head a few inches away, then smiled at her with a playful, smug look which she missed before she turned innocently to face him, a frown marring her brow before muttering, "Incorrigible."

Perfect he thought, and he slanted his mouth over hers and kissed her. Her tongue explored his mouth and his tongue reciprocated every move. Tenderly, tasting, tormenting.

His hand snaked past her waist band as his lips gently teased her earlobe. She turned her head to tell him off and he bent his head, his eyes open as he kissed her. She saw the flare of sensation in his eyes just before her eyelashes fluttered down.

"Are you always this responsive?" He murmured some minutes later as his fingers delved into moist heat. But he didn't give her a chance to reply as his mouth found hers once again.

Then slowly Seth inched down her body. Pinched between his thumb and finger, brushing against one nipple then the other, suckling gently and, teasing his way down. Fingers delved, stroked with finesse. Teeth grazed and nibbled. Evie mewled as her fingers dug into his shoulders. Moans became pants. The hammering of butterfly wings issued commands. A jolt of electricity. She bucked off the bed when one finger penetrated. Seth lifted his head, and with his eyes on hers, registering every emotion that flitted through her eyes, his fingers continued to work their magic. Dilated pupils. He mirrored her own feelings, she could see it in the scorching tenderness.

Again, he lowered his head, and with his palms against her inner thighs Seth traced circles against the tender skin of her inner thigh. Evie squirmed and trembled with delight. He inched closer. Signals had her clutching the bed sheet. Seth, moved closer to her scented heat.

Lips sucked and pressed against the tender, sensitive at the juncture of her legs. Slowly he buried his tongue deep. Licking, and continued to feast with utter abandoned. Her nails scratching tiny crescent indents as she held on. Trembling as waves spread from that point of contact. She mewled when he moved away, slowly licked her hipbone before he made his way back to her lips. His lips kissed her hipbone, the indent of her waist, her navel, her ribs, the underside of her breasts, the swell of her breast, the valley between her breast, her nipples, her clavicle, her neck, her ears before his lips feasted on her mouth. The kiss was deep.

He frame her head with his arm, and his other hand reached between them, and gently inserted a finger. He felt her pulse kick up. He thrust slowly, just a centimetre before pulling out again. He thrust again. She was incredibly wet. She tightened around his finger. He resumed the kiss. His tongue matching his finger.

A few seconds later, he murmured, "I can't wait any longer. I need to be in you." He withdrew his finger, before lifting his head, to look at her. "Ready?" She nodded. He took his time, gently moving his body into position. For a few seconds she bore the brunt of his body weight before he took his weight on his arms. With her eyes on his, he thrust his hips forward, slowly, allowing her body to fit around him, and to adjust to take him. She whimpered. Breathing hard he did his best to keep himself from thrusting. He kissed her lips, angled his head, to allow his lips to take in her lower lip. Taking his time, he continued to enter her, pausing, while she clenched around him. His hips ground into hers. Seth withdrew gently and slow, murmuring sounds that were incoherent to Evie. He was rock hard, her body made allowances but she was still skin tight. Evie wriggled, Seth gritted in rasping concentration, trying to slow her actions. She begged, "Now, Seth. Now." She lifted her hips forcing him even deeper and clenching him tighter.

Controlled abandon, his guttural sound accompanied, "Fuck!" He pistoned, she mewled as she felt her body yield and he ejaculated. His mouth descended on hers, his tongue surging forward to replicate his actions as he continued to thrust.

Many minutes later, breathing hard, Seth rolled away, and on his back, staring at the ceiling, while his heart stopped racing, he asked softly, "You ok?"

She was still taking breaths, breathing through her mouth, her chest heaving, as if she had run the marathon at the 100 metre rate, then she looked over at him and smiled. He glanced over.

She said, "Better than ok." Her honesty was not expected.

"Bloody amazing!" He grinned at her.

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