Part 25

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Mallory huffed. "It does matter. They have no right to make snippy comments. They don't know why you married Seth! And they have no right to know about the reasons. And if Seth wants to lavish you with gifts and clothes..." Mallory petered out as it dawned on her that Seth had not lavished Evangeline with gifts or new clothes. Evie was wearing a skirt that Mallory had seen on many an occasion. She was still wearing clothes that showed their age, both in terms of style and tatty. Mallory frowned.

Evie's lip quirked when she saw the predicament and the fact that she was still wearing her old clothes was noted by Mallory "And you are now wondering why I'm still wearing my old wardrobe." She smiled wanly and shrugged and weighed the matter and what to reveal, "I don't want to be in debt."

"How would you be in debt?" Mallory blinked and then said, "I'm sure Seth wouldn't begrudge you spending a few dollars on a new dress." Mallory frowned, "Evangeline?" She knew something was wrong.

Tears built in Evie's eyes, "A week before we got married, he took Jane to a charity do."

"I heard about that." Mallory interrupted. "Couldn't believe it, given you'd just told me you were getting married. It did not make any sense to me. Why would he take that unhinged women instead of you."

Evie smiled recognising that Mallory, like her, did not like Jane. "He asked me to go with him."

"Why didn't you?" Mallory asked instantly.

Evie stifled her pride, and revealed, "I didn't have anything to wear for something like that."

"What?" Mallory was not expecting that reason or excuse.

"He kind of sprung it on me, a day or so before the event, so I couldn't make something, that would suit the occasion. I have samples, I could make something." Evie said as if it was evident. "But you know I don't have money. I just thought I could make a dress if needed, but I need time. But could not for this occasion."

"Well then, why didn't you just tell him that. Surely he would understand, and from my position, he could afford to give you money to buy something given he did not give you time." Mallory's eyes narrowed, "I understand pride and I know pride carries baggage. I also know, trust is important. Given you are going to marry him, you need to concede your pride, and trust him. And you should have told him, Evie!"

"I did." She winced.

"And?" Mallory blinked.

"And he seemed to think I was using it as an excuse to hit him up for money."

Mallory huffed. "Right, well he's back in my bad books. The man is an idiot!"

Evie brushed at the tears, and smiled, "I can see his point of view."

"I can't. The man is an idiot!" Mallory interrupted. "He must have seen you wear the same old same old year in year out!"

"Thanks, Mals!"

"You know what I mean. Even he, as a man must have noticed you don't exactly have haute couture in your wardrobe. And it is his fault if he failed to tell you about this occasion with due notice."

Evie smiled wanly, "He's opened an account for me." Evie told her friend.

"When? I assume not before the occasion?"

Evie chuckled with no humour. Mallory huffed, "The man is an idiot."

Evie looked at the horizon, "The idiot, opened an account for me before the wedding."


"I'm not going to touch it!" Evie said bluntly.

"Why ever not? He owes it to you! And surely he wants his wife to be fashionable dressed..."

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