Part 3

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"Yeah, not much." Amelia challenged and she felt bad because it was her fault. "He's upset you."

"He hasn't." Evie smiled, hoping to side track her two friends, "In fact, before I go, I'm going to go say bye to his grandmother, and I'll have a quick chat with her about him, then I'm going to wash my hands of him." She picked up her handbag, "Are we still on for coffee next Saturday?"

They nodded and Ella added, "And I'll pick up those trousers you fixed for me. Don't forget to let me know how much I owe you. And don't make a fuss about it." For the last six months as it had become more and more apparent that Evie was strapped for cash, and knowing how unlikely she was to accept charity, Ella had been asking Evie to fix clothes for her as she couldn't find a seamstress and she didn't want to discard the clothes. What Ella hadn't realised was that the tiny sum of money was keeping Evie afloat on a day to day basis. "I wondered if you'd have time to make me something to wear to a wedding. I saw something in your sketchbook. My sister is getting married, high profile and all that, so I quite fancy a designer dress."

"I'm not a designer." Evie replied with a smile. "You should go into Wellington, get..."

"I've seen the sketches. And I can't afford a Wellington designer!" Ella lied and interrupted. "And I loved your sketches."

"Thank you." Evie smiled.

Ella shrugged and continued, "But if you don't want to do it, or haven't the time, that's fine. I just like..."

"Stop." Evie rolled her eyes, registering the emotional blackmail. "Fine. I'll do it."

"I'm paying for the material and your time. It was the dress on the fifth page." Ella stated bluntly. "This is a business deal." She made sure she looked Evie straight in the eye, knowing that Evie would deem it to be charity otherwise. "Make it realistic costs, not mates rates! I feel like I'm taking advantage of you as it is. " Ella said as if it made a difference. She was pretty sure that Evie would not charge for her time.

"I like sewing."

"Good. Make it realistic costs including your time!"

For goodness sake..."

"No, Evie, include your time." Ella growled.

"OK." Evie finally said.

Ella delved into her purse, "Look, can you use this to get some material samples. You have taste, so I'm leaving this to you." She handed Evie three twenty dollar bills. "Get some bits of material for me to have a look at. We can choose, ok."

"Ella, I can't...."

"Yeah, yeah, I hate it when I take advantage of you." Ella feigned guilt, "Here I am, once again, pressurising you into doing something for me, when I know you are flat out on the farm. Should I give you more, I'm not sure how much samples cost nowadays. Especially the materials we will need. But we want to see the options. So get samples, ok." She handed over another twenty dollar note.

"Ella." Evie tried to ward off the additional money. But she was half hearted about that, knowing that she could ill afford to ignore handouts.

"I know, you'll make a song and dance about this, but just take it ok. You're doing me a favour here." She shoved the notes into Evie's pocket.

"Yeah, right." But Evie smiled in acknowledgement, "If I stayed to argue, you'd hand over more cash!" She grinned ruefully, "See you both for coffee." Then she turned and walked away.

Amelia watched Evie disappear. Then Amelia looked at Ella. "That was clever." She told her friend bluntly.


Amelia snorted, "Don't give me that." She rolled her eyes, "Getting Evie to accept some money. I wish I had thought about that!"

Ella said with a shrug, "She's doing me a favour."

"Yeah, whatever. I just wish I knew how to help Evie." She sighed. "Ben says things are tough on her farm."

"How tough."

"Going under. And fast." Amelia said quietly.

"She should sell."

"It would sell at a loss, and she has apparently inherited her father's debts. She needs to sell it at full price to just cancel the debts and maybe break even." Amelia frowned, "And even then Ben isn't sure it will cover them all."

"Oh shit!' Ella grimaced. "Why is she covering her father's debts?" Ella was pretty cross about the whole situation. The injustice rankled. "I should have given her at least two hundred." She turned to her friend. "She could make and sell clothes. Have you seen her designs? And we know she can sew."

"Yes, I saw her sketches. But she needs materials,"

"There must be a way we can help." Ella pondered. "Perhaps go in jointly. A business venture. The three of us."

"Worth considering."

"As silent partners. She could set up a company, make things, mainly clothes." Ella's brow furrowed, "I'll try to get some costing together. She'll see through it otherwise." Ella wondered if they could persuade Evie. Evie was so prickly and would not accept charity. Ella accepted she was going to work hard to persuade Evie to consider her plan.

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