Part 20

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He hoped this moment would serve as a lesson. Maybe she'd see that she could not manipulate him into forking out sums of money. She would learn that he did not take kindly to being played. "So, you won't object if I took someone else." He repeated his earlier intention, and waited to see if she would change her mind. Surely any normal, recently engaged woman was not going to want her fiancé to be seen escorting another woman to a party. Even Evie could figure that one out. She'd be a laughing stock. Engaged to him, but within days he's seen with another woman on his arm!

Evie felt as if she had been kicked in the teeth. "At this late stage, you think you'll find someone to stand in." Pride kicked in. She was pleased to see that she was still holding it altogether, despite the fact the man who was engaged to her was telling her, not asking her, but telling her he was going to take another woman to a social event one week before they were due to get married.

Seth's eyes cooled further. His fears confirmed. She figured he'd concede, given the late stage. "Don't worry about that. I just want to make sure that if I do this, I'm not jeopardising our agreement." Seth stated coolly. She obviously thought she could play hardball. Force his hand.

"No." She said softly, her heart fracturing just that little bit more. She couldn't believe the man who'd given her a ring yesterday was now proposing taking another woman to a special social event. "You aren't." She said quietly, and tried not to look as shattered as she felt. She felt the tears build and did her best to hide that fact from him. She was not going to cry. So what if she'd humiliated herself by revealing the state of her finances to him only to find that he wasn't willing to help her attend by buying her a dress.

"And we still get married next week." Seth pushed for confirmation. "You won't mind the fact that people know that we are engaged but I took another woman to the auction?" Course I mind, she screamed silently. But she said nothing. His eyes narrowed. Now what was she trying? Emotional blackmail? Tears? "We still get married next week."

She nodded stiffly, sure that if she attempted to answer him her voice would clog with the tears she was holding in tight. She felt like all sorts of a fool for revealing her financial status. She felt even worse knowing that he would opt to take another woman just because that woman had a suitable wardrobe. Was life going to be like this from now on? Would she have to watch from the sidelines when she didn't measure up?

"Right then." He said curtly. "I'd best get going."

She nodded. But still said nothing.

Bye Evangeline." Seth said quietly. He was not sure why her attitude, her behaviour hit him so hard. He knew he barely knew her, but he thought Evie's character was the opposite of his ex wife. His ex wife saw him a cash cow. He thought, he and Evie could have a decent relationship, based on trust and honesty. But also, that neither would take advantage. He knew he had helped her to deal with her debt situation, and he also knew she helped him to address the family situation, so both got something from this potential relationship. But now, with her stance, to something so simple, left him with concerns. Was she going to demand things? See him like cash cow, like his ex wife, but approaching it from a different point.

Evie's tears were surreptitiously moped up when her palm and fingers rubbed her temple. "Bye." She mumbled quietly, and slowly moved her hand. Her heart now resided below her feet sole. She had agreed to marry someone who would take another person to a social event if she did not concede to his demands.

They both walked away. Sadness in every cell, but not recognised by the other.

His hands in his trouser pockets were clenched, to stop him from shouting in frustration. He had come here, to ask her out, to give them a chance to forge more links, talk about their future, their wishes and needs. Only to find, his wishes and her needs were different.

She closed her eyes, but tears escaped. She wondered if she inherited her mother's gullible genes, because it would appear that they were. They both allow a man to trample over their hearts and feelings. And the fact that her mother had allowed a man to trample her heart, and parents left their daughter to deal with the fall out.

Promises in MoonlightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora