Part 16

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 "I told him you wanted his money." Jane glared at Evie. Of course it was the first thing Jane had heard on her return from the bike trip. Natasha had quickly informed Jane that while she was away, Evie and Seth got engaged.

Jane saw her plans go up in smoke. Of course she'd hoped to have a few options, she had worked on the guys on the bike trip but she hadn't planned on having her choices reduced again. She'd deliberately played it cool, not wanting Seth to get too confident.

"And he obviously took note of what you said." Evie shot back. She really did not like this woman, there was something calculating about her, and something plain mean. "Men, they're so gullible aren't they? He's been ever so generous. But that's what I expected. He's rich, what can I say?" Evie rubbed it in, knowing that Jane was simply looking for a meal ticket.

"You haven't an engagement ring." Jane pointed out. Hope to scare Evie.

"It's being made." Evie replied without batting an eyelid, "Probably going to cost a bomb! But then he is loaded, isn't he? How lucky am I?" Evie enjoyed seeing Jane's eyes go molten, it was obvious the woman had only been interested in Seth for his money.

Evie wasn't sure whether Seth even intended to buy her a ring, but she had no intention of telling the snide young woman that. And for once in her life she felt good not having to be at the other end of a put down.

"Do excuse me. I need to be getting back home." She sauntered off toward her car. It was amazing how relieved she felt. How utterly happy she felt in that she could walk away without being pitied. And better still, she had enjoyed putting Jane in her place.

Seth who was looking for Evie, and had overheard that conversation, turned and headed straight for the nearest jewellers in town. He bought the cheapest ring he could find. It contained a slither of diamond and two fragile wires that were plated 8 carat gold. It looked as cheap as it was. He imagined in time the gold plating would flake and the slither of diamond was probably nothing more than diamante. But it was sold as a diamond ring. And it was under forty dollars!

Evie was cleaning the kitchen cabinet work surfaces when he drove up. In the time it took him to leave the car and reach the kitchen back door, she had checked her hair, wiped her clammy hands against her old faded jeans and put away some of the cleaning stuff.

"Hi Seth." She smiled when he knocked on the door-frame.

For some extraordinary reason, her conversation with Jane had kept her buoyed for hours. It was the fact that for the first time in her life she had thrown away that mantle of pity. She had everything she'd ever wanted. The farm was sorted. She had ensured that both Sam and Elsie were secure for life with a room over their head, she had a man who had offered to marry her, and a prospective mother in law who liked her.

"Evie." He replied without any inflection of warmth. He took in her jeans. Her clothing looked old. No wonder she was telling all and sundry that she had landed a wealthy fish.

"What brings you here?" Evie didn't notice the missing warmth, she was just pleased to see him.

She was still trying to figure out whether to tell him about her encounter with Jane. She was debating whether to tell him or not, wondering whether he'd see it as a hint to get her a ring. But after half an hour of scrubbing the kitchen she had reached a decision, she was going to tell him, because she doubted he'd hear the unvarnished version from Jane.

Seth hesitated for a second. His temper was starting to abate and he wondered whether he had been a touch rash. Perhaps he should have spoken to Evie about her comments. Then he replayed the conversation he'd heard between Jane and Evie and recalled the haughty, overconfident tone and the way she had paraded the fact she was marrying into money.

He stepped closer. "I thought, as we are engaged, I should buy you a ring."

Evie's eyes went wide. It must be fate she thought. Only a few hours ago, when she had been spinning Jane that line, she wondered whether Seth would buy her a ring.

"A ring." It came out in a breathless whisper. Suddenly her whole life, the hardship, the difficulties, the days when she thought the universe was working against her, just melted into the background. "Me." She swallowed as her heart raced and years of wanting to belong surfaced in those words. "You bought me a ring?" She asked more loudly and her voice carried utter pleasure. Could life get any better?

"Yes." He held out a small bag with the logo of the local town jeweller. "Nothing grand." He told her, preparing her for the ring he had chosen. Now his behaviour felt ridiculous. He should not be giving her this excuse for a ring. He should not have reacted to the fact she thought she was marrying into money and wanted everyone to know that. "You know I've ploughed money into this place." He reminded, looking around at the spotless kitchen. She'd been busy.

She nodded and he could see that her eyes were excited at the prospect of receiving a ring from him. "Aren't you going to take it?" He questioned, when she simply stood where she was while he had held the bag out in his outstretched arm. "I bought it today. Don't you want it?"

Evie sighed quietly. "Oh. Yes." 

Once again that breathless whisper. Evie felt as if she had reached the end of a rainbow. For years and years she had imagined what it would be like to be given a gift that was brand, spanking, new. Now she was being given a gift by Seth. A new gift. A special gift, a gift of significance.

"Thank you." She looked up at him with a sheen of tears of happiness in her eyes.

"You haven't seen it yet." Seth's common sense was starting to taunt him. Perhaps he had been too quick to react.

"I'm sure it's lovely." She told him as she peeked into the bag and saw the small red box.

Seth started having serious second thoughts. She looked so utterly happy. So openly overjoyed to be getting a ring. Any second now and that would change. When she saw the ring. Saw the excuse of the ring he was giving her. He felt mean. And spiteful. And he desperately wanted the bag back.

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