Diary Entry #7

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Dear Jamie,

After much overthinking, I have a plan. Sort of.

Is what I would write if I was any bit of a productive overthinker...

Normally I would just try to avoid dealing with everything, but I don't want to avoid you.

Maybe I should just be honest. It would be better if you heard the truth from me. Especially since it won't be long till you start hearing the rumors now that you are in them.

Compared to the worst ones about me the rumors I've heard about us aren't too bad.

I heard, that you have a girlfriend back in Connecticut and that apparently you and I have been having a wildly kinky sexual affair all week.

We both know that's not true but when I heard it for a moment I wished that it was. Not just that rumor, but I wished all of them were the truth. Things would be a lot less complicated if they were.

Maybe trying to be my own person is the problem. Maybe I should just be the monster they all see me as.

In some ways I already am. I mean, I am the crazy girl that smashed her ex's windshield out.

I've already "corrupted" you. If I made the rumors about us even partly true at least you'd be seen as another one of my victims rather than going down with me as my accomplice...

It wouldn't be all bad though because at least I would find out how you feel about me and my first time would be with someone that I like.

I've just decided that's what I'll do. If I think about it too much I'll back out so I won't let myself think about it anymore.

First, I'm going to go to your house and live up to my title in town.

That way I can tell everyone that they were right about me being an evil seductress and that I used my wicked ways to manipulate you into lying for me yesterday.

After that, you shouldn't be blamed for any of the trouble I caused.

And to make sure everyone hears about it I'll meet up with Craig and tell him that's what happened. He's never had a problem sharing my personal details with everyone before so I'm sure if I go to him by morning what I said happened is what everyone in town will believe.

No one believed me before when I said the truth, but I have a feeling that this time with a lie that includes me playing the character they have already cast me to be it will be a whole lot easier to convince people.

Even if I do back out of the first step I'll say it still happened. And if you deny it, I'll say you're lying. I'll say that you're just trying to save face. I'll say that you just don't want to admit you were played just like all the others that have lied and said they were by me.

So, if you don't already, you are going to hate me. But, it's for the best. If you hate me, I won't be able to cause any more trouble for you. That's just the way it has to be.

We weren't made to last.

I probably won't get a chance to tell you this but I want you to know that I'm sorry for using you even if this time it is to protect you.

Also, thank you for being my friend when you were. It may have been brief but I'll never forget it.

Meeting you has reminded me that there are good people in the world and I hope when you leave this town that you are able to find them.

I'm rooting for you.





(A/N: Thank you so much for reading this story and making it all the way to the end! I had so much fun writing this and I hope you enjoyed reading it. Don't forget to let me know what you think! Your feedback could help with whatever I write next. Until next time, stay reading!)

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