Diary Entry #2

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Dear Whoever,

Today was actually a good day, crazy I know.

And it was all thanks to the new kid, Jameson.

We skipped school to go to the mall and people-watch and ended up spending the afternoon talking. It was kinda great.

I'm still surprised that he even agreed to come with me. It had barely taken any convincing which is kinda funny cause before he definitely gave me the vibe that he was the type to care about school like a lot.

His head is always buried in his textbooks.

I'm glad I was wrong about him.

Though today was definitely the first time he's skipped a class in his life, I'd put money on it.

His reaction to my suggestion that we skip was so funny. He was actually concerned about missing a test. It was adorable.

I was worried things would get awkward once we got to the mall. It's not like I had planned anything. I was just winging it and hoping things would work out and for once they did.

And, I actually had a good time. Turns out, Jameson is funny.

Not in a ha-ha-I'm-dying type of way but in a he's-delivery-was-so-awkward-that-I-can't-help-but-laugh way, ya know?

And, the best part was I didn't think about Kayla or Dad even once. Well, until now.

I miss them so much and I don't think I'll ever stop.

This was supposed to be a happy entry but now I think I might start crying.

It's hard to explain, but sometimes it feels like it's wrong for me to feel happy without them.

Which is silly because I know that they wouldn't want me to be sad either.

I wish living without them could be easier. Or at least I wish there was someone I could talk to about it that would understand how I'm feeling.

I can't talk to my mom at all. She's still pretending they never existed.

It's hard to keep everything bottled up all the time.

I'm starting to think that the problem is that I feel too much.

There goes any chance of this being a happy entry...

I guess I can only be happy as long as I'm distracted... hmm...

It might be too soon to say, but Jameson just might be who I need in my life.

Today has already proven he can be a good distraction.

I wonder if I could get him to distract me again tomorrow too.



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