Day Three

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Our Wednesday together started just like our Tuesday.

Minutes after my mom left for work there was a knock on the door.

The only difference is that I knew who it was and that time I was ready for her.

That morning I was giddy. I wasn't just excited to go out somewhere but I was excited to see Katherine.

It may sound strange to you but Katherine really had a way of drawing you in. She could make you feel like you mattered, even if it was just to her.

I was smiling when I opened the door.

Just as it was Tuesday afternoon after our splash session, Kat's hair was still in its naturally curly state as opposed to the subdued styling she had before.

"I brought waffles," Kat said simply as she walked past me into my house again.

Katherine definitely wasn't the type for greetings or small talk.

I remember asking her how she managed to come perfectly after my mom had already left both days.

She answered telling me that her house was on the other side of the woods behind my backyard on top of a hill. And when she looked outside her bedroom window she could see into the window that showed our upstairs hall.

So she timed leaving her house and walking over to the second time my mom would stop to check her hair in the hallway mirror.

She also jokingly suggested we invested in curtains because "You never know who's peeping,"

"So, what have you got planned today?" I asked her as she plated some waffles.

She smirked at me. "It depends, how good are you with your hands?"

I snorted back a laugh to hide how flustered her comment really made me.

"Pretty good,"  I answered.

"Perfect, makeovers it is." She replied while passing me a plate of food.

I hadn't known what exactly she meant. I never did. But I was excited for whatever she'd throw at me.

We ate quickly while talking about music.

Kat was a true believer that the louder you played music the better it would sound. She said something about wanting to completely feel the music around her.

Her taste in music was extensive. Kat would listen to anything and everything as long as it made her feel something. From Russian rap to Jpop to even country.

I admired that about her. She didn't let not understanding the words stop her from understanding what they meant.

Looking back, I admired a lot more about her than just her adventurous spirit. Maybe that was why I always let her call the shots.

After a thirty-minute drive out of town, we made it to the nearest beauty supply store. A huge place called Sally's.

Katherine quickly grabbed a basket to use. Before skipping through the aisles. I had to walk quickly to stay caught up with her.

"Blue? Or red?" Kat suddenly asked me while holding up two bottles of hair dye.

"You'd look good with either," I assured her. I had made the effort to avoid her gaze as I gave her the causal compliment and pretended to look at some random product.

I wonder what her expression had been.

"Not very helpful, but thanks," Katherine replied with ease while putting back the bottles.

She grabbed a pair of hair-cutting shears, bleach, developer, and a bunch of other things she'd need.

"Have you ever colored your hair before?" Kat suddenly asked before turning to look at me.

"No, why?"

She laughed. She was right, I really did ask why a lot.

"Because this is gonna be easier with virgin hair," Kat answered like it was obvious.

"Wait, you're gonna give me a makeover?" I asked in surprise, reaching for my pin-straight black hair.

"We're gonna give each other makeovers," Kat reassured me before she reached out and pushed my hair back. Her hand trailed down to my neck before she suddenly turned to look at something else.

"You look like an apple." Katherine teased.

My face had no doubt turned a shade of red from her sudden touching.

I cleared my throat before picking a random dye color to change the subject. "I'm going with this one," I said not caring at that moment that my mom would kill me if I colored my hair.

Kat turned to me. Her brow raised as she examined the dye in my hand. "Green it is." She smiled, taking the bottle from my hand and putting it in the basket.

Eventually, she settled on a bright pink color for herself. I remember her making a joke that we were going to look like Cosmo and Wanda.

Soon after, we checked out and returned to my car. We had just made it back into town when Katherine started giving me random directions.

"I know how to get to my house," I said ignoring the right she told me to make.

"We aren't going to your house. We're going to mine." Kat said with ease before telling me to make a U-turn.

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