The Eagle's Sorrow

Start from the beginning

"He saved your life yet you couldn't save his. Ironic isn't it?" The Observer continued to berate me as I held my injured arm in the other hand while tears streamed down my face. 

Another loud clash of thunder roared through the sky and muffled the Observer's laughter for only a second before the barrel of her cannon began to light up once more.

"You're nothing but a hunk of steel built for war, but what use are you as a ship if you can't save humanity?"  It then said before the beam of energy was soon fired from its cannon and my vision was swiftly blinded by a bright light.

"Good morning Miss Enterprise" A soft-spoken voice then cut through the light. "It's time to wake up now"

With a gasp I shot up from the position I lay in on my bed only to be blinded by the sunlight that seeped through the open curtains.

"Oh my, Is everything alright?" I heard Belfast's voice speak to me as I tried to cover the light with my hand. Soon my vision sharpened and I was finally able to see her standing next to the window with a troubled look on her face.

"Yes. . . It was just a dream" I soon answered her and swung my legs over the side of the bed. Belfast's look softened and she picked up a pile of folded clothes from the table behind her and placed them on my lap where I found it to be the rest of my uniform.

"Very well then, get dressed it's going to be a big day" 

"What do you mean?" I asked her as I placed the pile to my side and stood to button up the undone buttons of my shirt.

"For three months you have done nothing but kept yourself couped up in this prison cell of yours. You rarely come out and it's time you start doing so more often" 

"Im perfectly fine where I am Belfast, I'm just more tired than usual that's why I haven't been out much" I told her while I did up my tie and put on my coat. 

"At least let's just start with getting a proper breakfast in you, this tinned beef and crackers isn't a good diet and you already know it" 

Not feeling in the particular mood to argue, I easily gave into the small proposition with a sigh as she moved to the door. "Alright then" I said as I placed my hat atop my head.

"Excellent!" Belfast lightened up as she held the door open for me to pass through. Once out in the hall I waited for her to close the door behind her before we continued on. 

"Afterwards you will face the root of your problems head on" Belfast then mentioned out of the blue as if she was waiting for me to leave before saying it. 

I stopped in my tracks and turned around to see her with a friendly smile on her face as she waited patiently for me. "What do you mean by that?" I asked her with caution.

"Well you will be going to the hospital to see the Commander of course. Where else does this mood of yours trace back to?" She said nonchalantly. 

My chest weighed heavy and I merely shook my head. "I don't know why I ever go along with your ideas" I mentioned and tried to walk past her back to my room only for her to suddenly grab onto my tie and pull me closer to her. 

"You have hidden yourself in your room since the day after the attack, and I foolishly enough have left you alone for the most part but no longer. Your sisters are worried sick for you, and the majority within the Union fleet as well. You have yet to see him at all and any time I suggested a visit you shot it down right then and there. 

"Im simply upset at the fact I wasn't quick enough to react to the initial attack"

"It's time you face your fears Miss Enterprise, You need to pay him a visit and understand his condition. You cannot keep hiding, your tearing your own health away bit by drastic bit" 

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