Chapter 79

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Freen's POV

A day before our wedding, Becky had a wedding jitters. Early morning she walked around our condo, like literally early since the sun haven't rise yet, she did every household chores that I have to tell the maid to take a day off because she doesn't have anything else to do. She even cooked medium rare meat for breakfast. A little bit weird but I just let her do whatever she wants. Becky kept asking,

"what if you don't show up at our wedding?",

"what if I tripped at the aisle? Should I just wear flats or barefooted would be better?",

"Babe, what if someone will opposed and doesn't want us to get married?",

"P'Freen, please don't ran away or don't forget to say I DO."

With all that question, I have to answer it with patience or else she might really loose it.

"My love, please don't ask negative questions regarding our marriage because everything will be alright. I will make sure that everything will be perfect just for you my soon to be wife." I said as I am trying to calm her down.

So I decided to ask for help from the gang. P'Nam rented the restaurant of P'Heng for a bridal shower in the middle of the day.

*At the Restaurant

"Gosh guys, did you know that we are busy preparing for the wedding tomorrow? And yet you decided to do bridal shower here?" A panicking P'Heng said.

"Aww. What a party pooper you are? Are you sure you're the one who owned this restaurant?" P'Nam looked at P'Heng, more like glared at him.

"Enough, we are here for Nong Beck to relax and ease her wedding jitters." P'Tee said calmly.

"Right. I'm sorry P'Heng, I am sure you'll do great for tomorrow. I'll be forever thankful to you and your staff for catering to our wedding." I said to P'Heng and put my hand on his shoulder.

"P'Freen! What is the meaning of this? Are you cheating on me the day before our wedding?!" Becky shouted as she entered the reserved hall.

"Nong Beck!" P'Nam and P'Tee shouted as they are also stressed that Becky is extra emotional today.

"Aigoo! My love, relax, calm down. I'm always yours. I'm just thanking P'Heng for preparing the foods for our wedding." As I hugged her from behind amd kissed her behind her ear.

For the bridal shower, P'Nam kept on insisting to have a men dancers but I strongly said it is a big no no. For the cake, it is designed as like a sacred center of a woman. There are also cupcakes with a thing of a guy for a topper. I believe all of these ideas are from P'Nam. The only idea that I contributed was the karaoke, P'Nam and I had to sing a duet that turns into a comedy show. But I am glad that Becky enjoyed it, I mean the bridal shower party not the cake and the cupcakes. Atleast we succeeded on one thing, to make her at ease on her wedding jitters.

As night fastly came without us noticing, P'Heng had to intervene our party saying,

"Girls, as much as I love you enjoying your bridal shower party but I also want to see you tomorrow with well rested eyes and fully bloomed self."

"Right, right. Go on now girls! See you tomorrow!" P'Nam said.

"Wait, what about you? Aren't you going home?" I asked.

"Nah, I'm still in the mood to sing. I'm still enjoying and I am happy that my bestfriend slash boss is finally getting married. I am happy for you two. Congratulations on your wedding. Nong Beck, please stop being so dramatic and just trust Nong Freen that everything will be okay." P'Nam said with teary eyes. I think she's already drunk.

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