Chapter 78

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Becky's POV

After a month of being in a life full of rollercoaster ride, the director of our movie decided to set the date for the premiere. The premiere has been postponed for so long and we don't want to waste more time so we decided to just do it as soon as possible.

P'Freen is doing fine now but she still prefers to have a sessions with Dr. Saint until we get married. After I promoted their new product she took a week of vacation just to spend it in our new home. I told her she just wasted her whole week laying around, making love with me and making candles. Yup! She has new hobby now, maybe that's what Dr. Saint advice her to do. Also Bonbon and her spends more time than me, I'm starting to get jealous over our son.

"Why are you so quiet, my love?" P'Freen asked.

"Nothing. It seems like you love Bonbon than me now." I said with a pout.

"No no no. I love you the most and I think I've already proven it especially during our make love." She covered Bonbon's ears before she said that.

"Baaabee. Why are you so horny these days?" I asked but I'm not complaining.

"Hmm, I don't know. Hormones, maybe? Or I just simply addicted to your body, taste amd smell." She said slyly.

"P'Freeeeeen...." She smirked at my reaction. I was so shy at her bluntness today.

"Oh, did the director called you about the premiere?" I then changed the topic.

"Yes, he said that it's 2 days from now so we better shop for our dresses for the red carpet." She answered.

"Hmm, can I choose whatever dress I want?" I asked with puppy eyes.

"No. I know what you're thinking Bec. You'll choose another alluring sexy dress that shows more of your skin." She said with a frown as I pouted. She never wants me to wear something sexy in public. She always wants me to wear hoodie or jacket.

*At the Mall

We are now at a store of a famous clothing brand. Again she picked up some dress with sleeves but I protested as I wanted to look beautiful beside her on the red carpet.

"Fine, buy everything you want but! I'll get to be on top for a week." She said again like trying her luck for me to agree.

"What? Hey what does making love have to do with me dressing up whatever I want?" I slightly complained.

She just shrugged and just proceed to choose her dress. A couple of hours later.

"My love are you done?" She asked.

She then opened her eyes widely as soon as she saw the rack with the salesperson following me.

"Oh gosh my wife is going to be the reason of me being poor." She continued.

"Oh come on! You don't have to be worry, you're the CEO of a famous beauty product brand."

I rolled my eyes and she giggled. I know she's just joking. She already proved to me that she can buy everything I want. I just wanted to feel spoiled tonight because she's spending too much time with Bonbon and making candles.

*At the Premiere

She's been silently sweet today, not just to me but to all the staffs. She bought us a lunch since everybody is busy preparing for tonight's premiere. She bought me a milktea and she's been extra caring, she even wipe my lips because of the sauce in our lunch. I think she upgraded being a gentlewoman without her noticing it.

"My love, please hold on to me when we walk down the red carpet. I don't want you to tripped." She commanded.

Oh did I mention overly extra protective of me tonight, maybe because of my backless dress. Her arms always finds its way to my hips like telling the world that I'm hers. But I like it, having her full attention to me.

"Beck? What's wrong? Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yes, I am okay. I'm just admiring you. Look at you with that dress, your fine shoulders are showing its calling me to lean on or kiss it." I answered flirtatiously.

"My love, please control yourself because if you started it I won't back down. How about a quickie?" Now it's her turn to flirt with me.

I slightly slap her arm and me getting shy because I also want to do that maybe later at tonight's party.

"Ohh, by the way. You look beautiful as expected. You catches my eyes everytime I lay my eyes on you. You amaze me everyday even without make up. I love you my soon to be wife." She said sweetly.

Aww, see she's so sweet not just words but also actions. She kissed the top of my head.

"Thank you daddeey. I love you too." I replied back whispering it and didn't forget to let out a breathe on her ear.

I saw her shivered and put her arms around my waist as she catches my lips. We kissed until someone knocked at the door that made P'Freen groaned of frustration.

"Relax babe, you'll get more later tonight." I pecked then fix my lipstick before opening the door.

"Everything is ready. You can proceed at the red carpet now." A staff at the door said.

After the red carpet event we started the program by introducing the artist and interviewing us, well ofcourse by P'Heng, our official interviewer. I call him Phi now since he explained that him and P'Freen are like brother and sister now.


P'Heng: Goodevening na kub. My first question is from an international fan. How was it to work with your girlfriend?

Me: At first it was okay but later on we had difficulties of separating our private lives to filming and then before the filming ends we've known each other more.

P'Freen: For me, it was hard. It is my first time acting but I tried my best to accomplish every task that the director gave.

P'Heng: Speaking of first time acting, are you planning to continue as an actress?

P'Freen: If it is for Becky and if she's going to be my partner again, then yes.

She looks at me while saying this with sincerity. The fans awed and shouted because of their excitement.

P'Heng: Aww do you still need me here kub?

Me: P'Heng, please stay and continue.

P'Heng: Okay kub. Next question, what is the most difficult thing that you did while filming?

P'Freen: The lines in the script. My role is being a teacher so I have long lines to memorize.

Me: For me, seeing P'Freen with Khun Heidi.

Again the fans awed and shouted.

P'Heng: So Nong Beck is jealous? How about you Freen, is there a times that you feel jealous over Nong Beck?

P'Freen: I am always jealous everytime she have to film a scene without me but we always talk it out and assures that at the end of the day only her or me whom we loved.

P'Heng: Okay kub. I think I need to end this interview before ants bite us because of their sweetness.

P'Freen: Wait. I need to announce something.

"To all the fans here and to the international fans, I would like to announce the date of our wedding. There will be an alloted open space for the fans at the venue and also it will me broadcast, the site will be announce soon. Fans are like families, so you guys are invited to our special day. It will be held on 14th of February. It will be a valentines wedding, the venue is at the invitation that will be given before you leave this theater. I hope we could celebrate it together. Once again thank you for supporting us from the start."

P'Freen ended her announcement. I was quite shocked because I didn't know that she was planning to invite our fans, knowing her as a private person I never expected it.


Author's Note:

Sorry for the late update. See you at their wedding ❤️ thank you for waiting, commenting and voting. I read a lot of comments that you like my story a lot. I was encouraged to write more stories about them but the problem is if I have the time to write it. Anyways, thank you so much for the support. I didn't really expected it specially from a beginner like me. Love you all from the bottom of my heart. ❤️❤️❤️

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