Chapter 29

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Freen's POV


I heard Becky shouted my name. I can feel she's angry, she's coming near to us by stomping. But why? I left her at the bench smiling but now she's the opposite.

"P'Freen what took you so long? I'm hungry. And who is this?" She crossed her arms.

"It's Heidi I met her at the bar and they are filming here for a beauty contest. She's offering me to be part of a big project since I know about beauty product. I might be sponsoring some for the ladies." I explained.

"Well P'Freen here is quite a drinker that night. I was talking to her with business but you suddenly pulled her out the bar so I haven't got a chance to propose." Khun Heidi said. She told me earlier about this and she prefer to call her Nong since she's younger than me.

"Propose? Propose to what?!" Becky's voice is quite loud.

"Becky, please lower your voice. People might think we are arguing. Here eat some snacks while I'll talk to Nong Heidi." Becky frowned.

"No, I want to go home now. I starting to have headache." She showed her back and slowly walking away.

"I'm sorry Nong Heidi, here is my calling card. Come to my office tomorrow after lunch time maybe?" I gave her my calling card so she can call me anytime.

"Sure, P'Freen. See you tomorrow I guess. Thank you." She kissed my cheek. Hmm she's kind of touchy and closed.

"Hey, Becky! Wait for me." I tried to catched up to her.

She just kept on walking and didn't wait for me until she arrived by the car. She waited for me to open the car but I didn't because I can clearly see that she is mad, I need to talk to her. Her arms are still crossed, pouting and frowning. She looks so cute.

"My love, why are you so mad?" She didn't answer and still avoiding the conversation.

Even though it's hot I'm still waiting for her to talk before I unlock the car. Neither of us are giving up. A moment later.

"PHI Freen, can you please open the door? It's hot outside. Please?"

"Okay" I unlocked the door and opened it for her. She hopped inside.

I started the engine and turn on the aircon into high mode. I gave her the snacks with milktea that I bought before Heidi came to talk to me. She just drink the milktea and she's still ignoring me.

"Honey, where do you want to eat? Do you want to eat hotpot? I know a famous place for that." She shrugged and face the window. I guess shabu-shabu it is then.

*At the Hotpot Restaurant

Becky's POV

I like the food but I am not in the mood to eat. I'll just eat a little. I'm still mad at her for ignoring my jealousy, she thinks that it's childish of me to act that way. Fine, I'll give her time without me then.

"PHI Freen, can you bring me at my parents condo that grandma gave? I'm going to meet Richie there. We'll probably buy some things he needs and also our parents are coming next week." I haven't looked at her but I know she's pouting.

"But it's our day today. We promise to spend the day just the two of us. Can you meet tomorrow, we only have a meeting together in the morning. Can you shop tomorrow instead?" She has a sad voice.

"No, today is the only day we can meet. Richie's schedule doesn't match with mine. And who's the one who ruined our date? It's you who left me alone to talk with a beauty contestant. You even teased me for acting childishly. Since when she let you call her Nong? You're that close now, huh?" I said with angry voice.

"It's just a while ago she told me to call her Nong since she's younger than me. I called you Nong too when we met right? Why are you so sensitive about this? She approached me to propose a collaboration for a big project. It's not like I'm gonna kiss her or have make love scene with her." Oh now she's defending her instead of having my sides.

"So now you're comparing me to her?! Fine go defend your beautiful Nong!" I stood up and left. I heard her calling me but I was fast enough to call and ride a taxi.

She kept on calling me and send me lots of messages. I put my phone on silent mode. I called Richie to meet me somewhere, he asked me what happened. I will tell him later. I just want a peaceful ride because I'm really having a headache. I think I'm stress lately. With the schedule, about our relationship, my brother that I'm concern about his awol, and now I have a beautiful and sexy rival. I checked my phone and I've received a lot of missed calls and messages from P'Freen.

From: my bb
Becky let's talk. Where are you? Please it's not safe to be alone.

From: my bb
My love please answer my call.

From: my bb
I missed you. Talk to me please.

From: my bb
I'm sorry. Please come back to me.

From: my bb
Please be safe my love.

This is just the last 5 messages that I read. From her last message it's like she's given up that quick. After meeting up with Richie I turned off my phone, well actually the battery just died.

"Hey sis, why the sudden meet up here? I thought your girlfriend will give you a ride to our parents condo? But based on your expression right now, you guys fought right?" Richie kept asking me what happened. So I told him the story.

Ting! Ting! Ting! I heard continues message from Richie's phone.

"Speaking of your prince. She texted me to take care of you. If we need anything I can just call her. She also said she'll be at her office building because maybe you don't want to see her so you can come home and take a rest. She's giving you space little sis." Oh it's P'Freen who keeps on texting him.

"Don't reply. Let her be." I said.

"That's rude. I'm going to reply because she might get worried. Besides she's offering me a job with high salary so I think I'm going to accept it. Little sis, she's uptight and clueless but I know she loves you. If you're going to just hurt her can I have her instead? Anyway she's suppose to be my fiancee right?" I threw him my fries and frowned.

"Shut up Richie. She's mine. I'm just punishing her for making me jealous. If you make a move on her I won't be your little famous sister anymore." I have to keep my guards up. Even my brother likes her.

"Chill lil sis! I'm just saying. Are you sure you're serious with her? Because I can't see it on you. You're usually possessive. Not revealing your relationship says so. You used to claim what's yours, you don't let others touch your things. But now you're practically letting her go. You left her at the restaurant, what if that beautiful lady went to get her? You're not answering her calls and texts, what if she's now talking to someone else? What if she's looking for a comfort to someone else or better to that Nong Beauty Queen?" Now my brother is scolding me the facts. He's right but my pride is too high for me to initiate to fix this.

*The Next Day (at home)

I went home to change my clothes. I spend the night to our parents condo. I saw her coming down from the stairs already dressed up for work.

"I didn't know you'll be this early, I'm sorry I will go now. I will let Khun Khab to drive you at the office." P'Freen said. Yes we're suppose to go together for the meeting.

I didn't get a chance to answer back because she already left. Maybe she thinks that I'm still mad at her and don't want to be together.

I remember what my brother said "Don't let this things go for too long. You might get comfort from distancing yourself to each other."

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