The show you watch together

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You hate it. You can't sleep after watching a single episode but she really likes it.


Never have I ever

You both find the show really funny and you both cry together during the sad parts.


Sex education

You both think that the show is about more than just sex and it really shows some realities that teenagers may be going through.


Gilmore Girls

He pretends he doesn't like it but you know he loves it. You both laugh and cry together while watching it even though he tries to wipe his tears before you can see them.


The good place

You can't stop watching the show. You watched it like 3 times at least but you can't get enough.


The 100 or WandaVision

He likes Wanda's power because they are similar to his. You both love the suspense and the action in the one hundred. (+ the actors are sooooo fine)


Lost in space or Teen Wolf

She cries so much while watching this show. You've watched it so many times but you both really love it.

For Teen Wolf you both just really like the plot.

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