Who said "I love you" first

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You did.

She almost died in one of her investigations so when you saw her alive you said "God I love you, don't you dare ever do that to me again."


She did.

You guys were having a sleepover and when she was talking she just suddenly bursted out "I love you!" You said "I love you" back of course.


He did.

You guys were arguing and he exclaimed "BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!"

(I'm joking guys but if you understood that reference let's be besties)


He did.

You two were cuddling in his bed and you fell asleep. He was playing with your hair and he murmured "I love you." You weren't actually asleep so you kissed him and said "I love you" back.


You did.

He was feeling bad because he stoned you. You hugged him and said "It's okay AJ, I still love you.".


He did.

You stood up for him so he came up to you, hugged you from behind and kissed your neck before whispering "I love you so much princess".


You did.

She was feeling insecure about the fact that maybe you were with her for her mermaid song so you were kinda pissed. "Are you kidding me? I f*cking love you Bianca."


She did.

You were sleeping in her arms and she whispered a small "I love you" while playing with your hair.


She did.

She's always been really honest and forward so while you two were working on a school project she just blurted out "I love you Y/N".

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