What dating Ajax would be like 🙈

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- You making all the moves

- Him accidentally stoning you.

- A lot of cuddles.

- You helping him in class.

- You two being the cutest couple ever.

- You two making TikTok trends.
"Would you still love me if I was a worm?" "Yes Y/N I will always love you." "You don't mean that." "You sure about that?"

- Him putting his hand on your thigh when you sit next to each other in class.

- You leaving hickeys on his neck and chest.

- Him tickling you when your moody.

- You being even more moody after that but at least he made you laugh.

- Him falling asleep every time you watch a show together.

- Him kissing your shoulders every time they are revealed.

- You teasing him after he stones you.

- Your fights always ending up with him hugging you from behind then you turning around to kiss him.

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