What would you give them for Christmas

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A tragic book, black eyeliner, a black bracelet with her and your initials on it, crystals and some hand lotion for Thing.


Face masks, nail polish, cute stuffed toys, a book about self growth, fairy lights (they're just so cute) and something creative that you made.


New painting brushes, painting canvas, an album with pictures of you two together and him with his friends, "open when..." letters and grey sweatpants.


Hoodie, headphones, custom blanket, bath bomb (he just seems like a bath bomb type of guy.) and you would take him to a good restaurant.


Soft beanies, Shampoo (to tease him), a basket with his favorite snacks (except you of course), a lava lamp and a pyjamas set matching yours.


You would take him to make his own stuffed toy, a box full of "tickets" (like use this ticket when you want a hug), LEDS, a vinyl of his favorite music artist and a poster of his favorite movie/TV show.


A necklace that when you touch it, it lights up the other necklace that you are wearing (I don't know if you know what I mean), a book on self acceptance, a dress, a music box with a picture of you two inside and a pillowcase with your face on it (just to tease her).


I might do other preferences about Christmas so if it's not part of your religion I am sorry.

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