"That's the exact same mark" JJ said.

"Well, it could mean remorse, but then again he killed 44 woman. The fact there wasnt any sexual abuse suggests the theory that he's contempt with gently caressing them as a form of torture." Reid said.


As the team concluded on a first profile of a psychopath, the plane was now silent.

Past 2 am, the team was getting rest.

As usual, Katherine was going to self-meditate to optimise the time left and gain more sleep.

Little did she know that the woman silently glancing at her wasnt able to be as calm as her.

After a while, Reid gently walked toward the both woman. Emily who was awake looked at him.

"What is it Reid?" he looked at her but back at the other woman next to her. Instinctively she put her hand on hers to get her attention. Her hand was cold contrasting to hers.

"Sorry" she said as she realized.

Katherine opened her eyes to find Reid in front of hen.

"Could you-"

"Make you sleep? Sure"

She stood up and followed him at the back of the plane.

Emily watched as her agent asked the other to lay down and whisper something in his ears. This time it took less time, as Reid fell asleep almost immediately.
The hypnosis master took her seat again.
Both of them were now the only ones awake.

"Trouble sleeping?" Katherine asked.

"It seems so" Emily answered.

"They dont carry wine on the plane to help you with that unfortunately" her agent said as she smiled at her joke.

Prentiss realized she never really saw Katherine smile a lot. Her expressions were always the same. Plain but with some attitude and sass.

"Anyway., it'll come naturally" she added as she adjusted her posture and closed her eyes again to continue her hypnosis.

At the moment, Prentiss felt a bit sad that she hadn't offered to help like she did Reid.
But maybe she had forgotten that she had already declined her offer once before.


Hours passed and everyone was sleeping. Until a phone rang.

Everyone jumped, except Roy, who by mystery had opened her eyes again just before the phone rang.

"Sorry" Emily said to her team as she picked up her phone.

"BAU. Unit Chief, Prentiss... Yes..... Alright I understand" She looked at the time on her watch

"We'll be there soon"

The team looked intrigued by her call as she put it down.

"Roy and Morgen, I'm putting you in charge of the rental cars, the Head of police just called and they dont have any vehicles available right now" Roy and Morgan looked at each other and shrugged in acceptance.

Katherine had a funny idea as she hid a smirk on her lips. Morgan saw it and seemed to be also exited by the mischievous look on her face.

As part of the team waited outside the airport and talked a bit as to pass the time, they were interrupted by horns of two cars approaching.

Emily's eyes widened as she saw two red convertables approaching them. Morgan was driving the front one while Roy followed behind.

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