- Three long years it took me to be back here. - I remember saying bitterly, after finishing my training as a forever slave for the lost soul's unfinished business or as my father called it, as a "Kalashtar"

The outside hadn't changed, but I found myself nervous, and anxious because now I know what coming back here meant, I wasn't going back into the library as an apprentice to my dear teacher and retired archaeologist Mr. Facilier, oh no, it was more than that, because daddy dearest on his quest to continuing the family line and passing down the curse made sure to arrange marriages to both my sister Lottie and me, her to some rich man that took her before she could be trained and never came back, and me... to a closer, safer option, a man 20 years my senior.

I could've never learned about this... but my curiosity always gets the best of me, and I preferred to have the whole picture before letting my mind run wild with theories. I remember back when I was 16 when my father took me back that I overheard Mr. Facilier say "and now that she's almost of age" I sincerely thought he meant for me to be able to learn about the things he told me not to read, I was actually excited, but no, the truth was a little bit more disgusting than that.

- You want me to be his WIFE! HE'S ALMOST 40 WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?!- I remember screaming at him and my mother once they told me the truth, a mere two weeks before turning 19 and finishing my training.

- Evangeline darling, please understand that is not a bad thing, he's kind to you and has a house of his own and books, remember how excited you were to be living with him. - my mother said with her soothing voice but with her silvery blonde brows deeply furrowed.

-No, no, totally different thing MOTHER, I thought I went there to learn, to build a PROFESSIONAL future for myself, and because I thought he saw an intellectual potential, not that he found himself a sick disgusting arrangement for a potential wife! honestly, you could've at least told me or asked me if I was okay with it! you did that with Lottie. - I said assuming too much decency from my parents, but the look they exchanged said it all. - Unbelievable, alright, this barn animal that you sold is leaving to meet its butcher, do me a favor and never look for me, just as you did with my sister, and do try to be better parents to Olie.

I remember saying with such hate, bitterness, and spite that I could almost taste the venom that came with it, I remember my mother crying, and the ashamed look on my father's face, what finally broke my heart was my little brother's scared face peeking from his doorframe, but it was too late, I said what I said and there was no turning back, so I went back to the library I called home three years ago.

I didn't bother to knock on the door, this was supposed to be my home now right? I just went in and called for Mr. Facilier, his voice replied from the living room, and I followed it, he looked almost the same, tanned skin that looked ashy for some reason, a well-kept beard that was a strange shade of blonde almost the same color of his skin and well, this was new, a receding hairline with long hair tightly braided with a black ribbon.

- Please Evangeline, call me Keith, I sure am happy to see you back ki-erm yeah. - I saw him stop himself from calling me kid, which for some reason disgusted me. Everything about him suddenly disgusted me.

I don't know how I kept a poker face as he began a speech to which I paid no mind, and found a little box with a silver ring with what looked like a human heart-shaped ruby on top of it, I could feel his sweaty hand grab mine and slide the ring on my finger and smile awkwardly, I also remembered dutifully smiling and giving him a quick kiss that he wasn't expecting but made him clearly happy, the poor bastard, I thought.

I'm ashamed to admit that I thought of killing him, then running away, but the more I thought about it, the more the days and months went by, I wish I could say I didn't let him touch me, that'd be a lie, I went through with the marriage a few months later, to find out why he was so rushed to everything... he was dying, and all I could do was turn away from him because I couldn't hide my smile, he had little left, he was in pain and coughing up blood, I was going to be free... not soon enough but soon.

Evan'geline found herself drawing blood on her thumb as she pressed it against the wedding ring she wore on her index finger, with the stone to her palm so it would draw less attention to it, she snapped from her thoughts as a druid-looking woman approached them with a candid smile, appearing just as they were going to each drop a handful of dirt on top of Eilrath's body.

- Mind if I join you? I would also like to say goodbye to her. - the sadness in her voice and face made them relax and allow the woman to come close. There was an unnatural beauty about her, and much more as she leaned down and made flowers grow around their departed friend. - We belong to the same religion, and we kind of.. know everyone that prays to our goddess. - she said, answering a question no one had asked but was thinking about.

the minutes or hours after that came as a blur to Evan'geline, she stayed distant and quiet, though curious about the woman named Ceres, she seemed kind enough and the old-as-time golden Dragonborn Prembul seemed almost happy to see the woman there, they shared wine with her, and Sirdan offered her drugs which to their surprise she denied with a kind smile and got up to continue her path.

that's when Evan'geline's curiosity got the best of her and asked, - Where are you going?

- I'm looking for my daughter, Kore, have any of you seen her? - she replied with a sad smile as she looked at everyone's reaction and sighed when they shook their heads, - No... I didn't think so, anyway, I need to keep going, goodbye for now. - and as she moved, the trees seemed to move with her, to part for her, to welcome her, and just as she arrived, now she was gone.

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