24. Aria

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I lay on the bed afterwards in total shock. He didn't restrain me. Because I didn't even fight him.

All he had to say was, "I'm not asking much from you, Malia. A relationship should be about give and take, and you've been doing a lot of taking. But if you want to stop, just tell me.... I'll call Alessandro to come pick you and Daniel up. I'm sure he could be here by tomorrow afternoon."

That was all I needed to hear. I wasn't entirely sure that he meant it; he had gone through great lengths to keep me safe from Alessandro and constantly covered me in giant hickeys to show him I had been claimed. But just the thought of being forced from an uncomfortable, slightly restricted life with Rurik to living as a sex slave/breeding cow with Alessandro was enough to shut me up.

He had been as gentle as he could manage, but it was hard to be gentle when your cock was basically the size of a baby's arm. He'd only just pushed in the tip (past the "ring of fire") when he realized I was barely containing a sob, withdrew, and walked away without another word.

I was relieved that he hadn't fully gone through with it, but still. What was to say he'd stop next time?

He'd probably get tired of my "whining"—like Alessandro—and then punish me for protesting while he still did what he wanted.

The next day, he told me his sisters were coming on Saturday. He was back to Everyday Rurik, starting with breakfast in bed, then a back rub. And I could feel his erection poking me while he massaged my back, but he didn't initiate sex. He was doting and loving...and gentle.

And I wanted to fucking scream.

He started talking more and more about what would happen after we graduated. We'd buy a house, work for a year or so, I'd have my IUD removed, we'd get married, have more babies. It made me wonder if there was a deeper meaning to his sisters visiting.

If he tried to propose at this point, I'd probably laugh in his face.

I couldn't live like this. I wanted to move away and just swear off men. I started thinking about maybe moving back in with my parents, or with Ebony and Jade, if they still lived together. My heart ached. Alessandro knew where I was now, so would it even hurt if I called them?

Except I had a feeling that Rurik's knowledge about secret apps that could track your phone and activities came from personal experience... And there was also the tiny matter of Alessandro fighting me for custody if I lived in the United States again.

Saturday finally arrived, and Rurik's sisters were due to come by any minute. Daniel was following Rurik around everywhere as usual; they adored each other, and Daniel even seemed to prefer him over me at times. I was in the bathroom, just staring at myself in the mirror.

Rurik and I were on awkward terms again because he'd gone back to Gentle Rurik, but I cringed every time he touched me now...and he noticed. Instead of leaning into his touch and seeking comfort from him, I had gone out of my way to avoid him. I was miserable and homesick. My only goal now was to pass the Bar Exam, get a good job, and get the fuck out.

I got dressed as slowly as possible, trying to delay having to put on a happy face in front of Rurik's sisters, when he walked in, with Daniel on his shoulders. He looked defeated and somber as he approached me, probably knowing I would instantly tense up.

Which I did.

I smiled up at Daniel and made a silly face at him, pointedly ignoring Rurik. His face fell as he watched our silly exchange in the mirror.
"Malia, I came in here to apologize. I've been acting...insane. I know. I should have never pressured you—forced you—into doing something sexual—or anything—that you didn't want to do. Especially given your...history." He shifted slightly as Daniel wiggled happily on his shoulders, oblivious to the tension between us.

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