12. Aria

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The second Aron had safely walked me inside, I ran straight to the break room.

I had a few minutes left of my break, and I needed to call Melody. Shit was getting out of hand here.

My crazy ex husband finally made good on the threats he'd sent people to spook me with, my sweet boyfriend was apparently about to combust if he didn't get laid soon, and now the aforementioned crazy ex husband was here.

Ready to take my son away from me.

Of course, I'd never, ever let that happen. But he had enough money and powerful people on his side to get away with pretty much anything, it seemed. I would think an abusive, convicted felon who just spent 3 years in prison wouldn't be able to win a custody case, but nothing made sense anymore. Studying law to get an upper hand suddenly seemed useless, when my opponent was clearly living by an entirely different set of rules.

I'd never called Melody before. Every time we communicated was through letters. I hadn't tried to reach her that many times. But every time she changed her number or address, I received another letter with her updated information. I don't think she was necessarily scared of Alessandro finding her, but if he started piecing stuff together and really going after her for getting him in jail...things could get complicated. Lord knows what kinds of bribable people he met in prison.

I checked the time. It was almost 2 PM here, but I had no idea where she was right now or what time it might be there. She could either be dead asleep or in the middle of a work day.

God, please make her answer. Please be on my side for once.

The phone rang and rang and rang. I was about to hang up and immediately call again when the line finally connected. She sounded tired.

"Melody, it's me Aria...Or Malia." I could hear shuffling in the background and someone's sleepy voice.

Is Melody dating someone now??

"Hey Aria, give me a second to get somewhere private. Hang on." I waited patiently as I heard doors opening and closing on her end of the line.

"Aria, you still there?" She asked, sounding a little more awake now.

"Yeah, I'm sorry to wake you up. What time is it there?"

"Oh it's like 6 AM-ish. You're good. I would've been waking up soon anyways. I'm just jet lagged. Again. But I was actually expecting a call from you soon." I pulled my phone away from my ear and checked the date. October 27th. Why would she be expecting a call today? Was it her birthday?

"Melody, I'm confused... Why were you expecting a call today? Did I forget something important?" She laughed a little, still sounding exhausted.

"No, there's nothing particularly important about this date, as far as I know. But I've been keeping an eye on Alessandro. I saw that his plane landed in Iceland today...Everything is going to shit."

Great. If Melody didn't even have a plan or some great scheme up her sleeve, I was royally fucked.

"Yeah, I'd have to agree with you. He just showed up here during my lunch break. He's already threatening to fight for custody of Daniel. What am I supposed to do? Should I move again??" Melody stayed quiet, but I could practically hear her pacing around whatever room she was in. Finally, she sighed.

"Aria, you've been in hiding for 3 years. And I know you'd planned on hiding for longer. But it's been 3 years of having no connection to your loved ones. I called your parents not long after you moved to Iceland, just to let them know you're ok. But that's probably all they know. Daniel doesn't even know he has grandparents or aunts and uncles... Tell me what you want, and I'll make it happen. But please know that I wouldn't blame you at all if you decided you didn't want to keep hiding. I'm back in California for now, ready to handle shit with you, if you decide to come back. Just don't get on a plane with him. Obviously."

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