19. Aria

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When I woke up the next morning, I was alone in the bed...which I was grateful for.

Last night was...a lot to process.

Rurik reminded me a little of Jekyll and Hyde. Jekyll, the kind and respected doctor who secretly had evil thoughts...and Hyde, the manifestation of his dark side. Not to say Rurik was evil, and he really hadn't been that bad last night, all things considered, but...something about him was off. Even beyond the "protective and possessive" warning from Melody.

Maybe "unhinged" was the word I should have heeded more.

Everything between us had been consensual, but he hadn't technically asked me if I was ready to have sex. One second, I was lovingly admiring my sleeping baby boy, and the next, I was pinned up against the wall. A lot of what happened between us reminded me of Alessandro. Except Rurik did actually listen when I asked him to slow down or stop doing something...most of the time...

I could still feel my neck throbbing, so I slowly got out of bed to go examine the damage. My body ached and my vagina felt tender and chafed.

But at least he didn't tie me to the bed, like Alessandro did after our first time.

He definitely wasn't as insane and controlling as Alessandro. And he was actually good to me on a daily basis, unlike Alessandro, who was basically a sociopath. I was probably still just a little traumatized and kept comparing the two, when Rurik was clearly an entirely different person.


I walked into the bathroom and leaned over the counter to look closely at my neck, and I was horrified. My entire neck was covered in purple splotches, some that were obviously in the shape of a bite mark. I groaned loudly, infuriated that I literally did look like a teenager who had been the victim of a hormonal, horny teenage boyfriend. I wasn't even sure the makeup I owned would fully cover the dark bruises. My chest and breasts were also covered in hickeys, and the nipple Rurik had bitten was swollen and red.

I was still turning my body around, trying to take inventory of all the marks on my body, when the bedroom door opened. Rurik walked in, carrying a tray with breakfast foods, and Daniel happily trotted in behind him. I closed the bathroom door and quickly grabbed a robe that was hanging on the back of the door, and then stepped out.

Rurik and Daniel were sitting on the bed, next to the breakfast tray. It was filled with Skyr, granola, fruit, rye bread, eggs, and smoked salmon. There was a steaming cup of tea next to the platter. They were both smiling proudly, and I couldn't help but smile.

Ugh I'm supposed to be mad at you, but you're so adorable. And breakfast food is my weakness...

I walked towards the tray and excitedly exclaimed, "Daniel, did you make this?? For me?!" Daniel beamed and nodded. "Me and Ru-ik! We cook!" He was bouncing on his bottom excitedly as he watched me. Rurik looked down lovingly at him, and then looked back at me. He winced a little, when he noticed my neck, and I shot him a look.

"Wow, thank you both so much for making me breakfast! It looks so delicious. I am the luckiest woman in the whole world." I kissed Rurik sweetly on the forehead and then wrapped Daniel in a bear hug and smothered him in kisses. Daniel wiggled and laughed happily, making me and Rurik laugh.

Rurik stood up and said to Daniel, "How about we go build a tower with your blocks while mama finishes her breakfast? And we can watch a little tv while she rests?" Daniel shot up and raced out the door without a backwards glance. He and Rurik were quickly turning into best friends.

Rurik watched me silently as I settled myself back in bed and pulled the tray over my lap. We both stayed silent for a minute, knowing we had a lot to discuss. I decided to just bite the bullet and let it all out. I pushed the tray away and looked up at his guilty face.

"Rurik, I don't even know what to fucking say about last night... I feel like you're a different person in the bedroom, and it...honestly scares me a little." Rurik sighed and nodded knowingly, like he'd heard this speech before.

"And I love that you let me sleep in and woke up with Daniel. You both made me this delicious-looking breakfast, and it's all so sweet...but I don't...I'm not sure I'm ready for this yet. I do want to be with you. But moving in with you is a huge step, and last night made me realize that we still have a lot to learn about each other..." I stared at him earnestly, trying to gauge his reaction. I could see his jaw clenching and unclenching, make me feel apprehensive, so I rushed on.

"I-I mean...we'll still stay the weekend...until Alessandro leaves, but—"

"No." He said lowly, his voice barely above a whisper. I scrunched up my face, confused. "What do you mean...no? Wh—No to what? Which part?" My heart raced as he moved closer to the bed. He sat down on the edge, by my legs.

"No you're not leaving after the weekend, Malia. We agreed to a week. At least. But now, I'm not sure if I'm ok with that. Alessandro called you last night. How did he even get your number? Have you thought about that?" I mean...I had. A little. But I guess it didn't really surprise me at this point. He was walking around free after only serving 3 out of his 15 year-sentence. Alessandro had all kinds of horrible tricks up his sleeve.

"He sounded angry. And drunk. That's not a good combination, Malia. He wants to go after Melody, for some reason. I'm assuming because she helped you escape?" I avoided eye contact.

Yeahhhh...that's part of the reason why...

I threw my head back, exasperated. "Listen, I love that you're trying to look out for me and Daniel. I know Alessandro is scary, but—" Rurik's eyes flashed dangerously and he scooted up the bed. He took one of my hands in his, rubbing his thumb back and forth over my skin.

"He doesn't scare me, Malia. I can handle him. But what I can't handle is not knowing whether you and Daniel are safe when I'm not around. I'm not buying his act from yesterday, when he left so easily. He's up to something....So you and Daniel need to live here until we find out what that is. And we need to warn Melody." I opened my mouth to protest again, but he shot me a warning glare. I shut my mouth quickly and frowned.

"Malia, I love you both so much. I can already see myself becoming great friends with Daniel. I hope he'll one day see me as a father figure." I gulped and nodded hesitantly, still avoiding eye contact. I had definitely imagined that, too. Many times. But now I wondered if Rurik getting so attached to me and Daniel would only make things...more complicated.

"Malia, look at me please." I lifted my head and looked into his bright blue eyes, which were filled with concern.

"Baby, I'm sorry I scared you last night. I know I get a little...excited...in bed. I thought I was doing pretty well at holding back..." My eyes widened and I tilted my head at him. "That was holding back? Rurik, do you see my neck? You bit me."

He blushed and cringed. "Yes, but I didn't break the skin this time. Trust me...I was holding back. It wasn't my intention to scare you."

"Didn't break the skin this time"?!

"I want this to work, Malia. I'm in this. For the long haul. I want to marry you someday and legally adopt Daniel. I want to be able to protect you both, and give Daniel a good example of a father figure. One who cherishes his mother. And I want to have a couple more babies with you one day, when you're ready... But you have to trust me. You have to relinquish some control. And I know that scares you, because you had no control in your previous relationship. But I won't be like that. I promise I won't hurt you. I just want to keep you safe... Please let me?" He looked at me so earnestly, with so much love and worry in his eyes, that I felt goosebumps rising on my body.

I wanted all of those things, too. I did.

But somehow, even with his moving words and the love in his eyes and his seemingly pure intentions...

I felt trapped.
So...are you Team Rurik or Team Alessandro? 👀

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