9. Alessandro

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Every second since Lara had assured me that she'd "handled" whatever situation was going on with Aria felt like a millennia. I demanded to hear the recordings from Aria's apartment from then on. I wanted to know exactly why I needed to punish her once I got my hands on her again.

For reasons beyond her escaping and hiding my son from me for 3 years. And possibly being involved in having me arrested, of course. Those actions deserved some special punishments of their own.

Erik had moved and now refused to return my phone calls. And Melody just seemed to bounce around everywhere. One day, she was in Florida. 3 days later, she was in Montana. Then she was in Ireland. Then Australia. I always knew she was strange, but the frequency of her location changes was weird, even for her. I could never get ahold of her. Either she was on a plane or in the middle of some meeting. One time, I was told she was on a ship. But she was never in California when I called.


I still wanted to get to the bottom of how and why I'd been arrested, but without Erik and Melody, I had no one to give me any answers. My new PI assured me he'd be able to find her, so I threw myself into work, harder than ever before. Things in my life were falling back into place in my professional life, and my reputation was slowly being restored.

Lara had sent me a file with Aria's audio recordings this afternoon, and now I was home, settled in and ready to find out whether I needed to invest in some heavy chains for Aria's basement apartment that I was mentally designing. I sat back on my living room couch with my laptop and hit play on the first recording.

The first hour or so was very faint, with occasional cries and happy squeals that I assumed had come from my son. Then I heard the door opening, and Aria's voice.

"Come on Daniel, hold my hand. We're going to be late if we don't hurry, baby, stand up. Stand up please, Daniel."

"Nooooooo! I want bwead, mama!!! No school!!!!"

"Daniel, you just had breakfast! Come on, now. You'll get snacks at school, baby. We have to get going. Please stand up."

I jumped a little as his loud whining turned into crying and screaming. Then there were some muffled sounds, and then the crying and screaming grew fainter and fainter.

I rolled my eyes. Aria probably parented just like her soft little bitch of a father. She was going to spoil my son. I sighed angrily and hit play on the next file. This time, I heard a male's voice.

"And what would you like for dinner tonight, Daniel?"

"Rurik, you know he's going to say—"

"Bwead!!!" Aria and the man laughed, then I heard the door open, followed by several locks clicking, and then beeping. The voices turned muffled.

"And how was your day, Malia? You look so stressed, sweetheart. Go sit down. Would you like a back rub?"

Oh Jesus Christ. Who the fuck did this man think he was?? He sounded like a whipped, pussy ass bitch who probably had a tiny dick and couldn't grow pubes. God, I prayed Aria wasn't letting this man fuck her. It would almost be laughable if it wasn't so infuriating.

I needed to get my son back and show him how a real man acts. He was already starting to sound spoiled and now malnourished. I mean bread??? His favorite meal was bread? Was that all Aria was capable of preparing for him, or did they just not have money for actual food? When he lived with me, my chefs would be preparing him healthy, delicious meals 3 times a day. Maybe with a small side of bread. Occasionally.

Most of the recordings were much of the same. Aria and Daniel left in the mornings; sometimes it was peaceful, sometimes there was a struggle or a tantrum. They came back home later, and sometimes that man could be heard coming home with them. It seemed as if he was always running errands for Aria. They didn't sound like lovers.

I said it before, and I'm saying it again: he sounded like a little bitch.

I connected my Air Pods to the laptop and turned the volume as high as possible, straining to hear if there were any wild, sexual sounds. I loved hearing my son's voice, but this was admittedly a little too G-rated, even for me. I didn't really have much of a reason to punish her yet, unfortunately.

I was about to shut my laptop and call it a night when my phone rang. Chris. I answered immediately.

"Chris. What's up."

"Hi, Mr. DeSantos. Lara just told me that she sent you the recordings. Did you listen to all of them yet? That guy seems insane, right??"

Which guy?? The little pussy, errand boy who keeps hanging around my wife and my son??

"Uh...maybe I haven't gotten far enough yet. Everything I've listened to sounded pretty innocent so far...What guy are you talking about?" Chris laughed.

"Yeah, that's what we all thought at first, too. That Rurik guy seemed like he was totally pussy whipped. But I went by a few nights ago to break up their......night...And the guy was nice at first. But then he just fucking attacked me!" The fuck??

"What do you mean he attacked you?? Where was Aria when this happened? And my son?!"

"Aria was standing behind him; even she seemed a little surprised. The man went from being all friendly and shit to fucking choking me. I was trying to pry his hands off my neck, but his grip was like fucking iron. No disrespect, sir, but I have more training with my gun than with hand-to-hand combat. And that guy is huge. You should get Larry or Bill to deal with him from now on. They're the fighters; they could take him. Probably."


I disconnected the call without another word. So Aria had gone from me...to a man who appeared to be the total opposite of me...but was potentially exactly like me.

Very, very interesting... Maybe she had a type.

I hit play on the next audio recording, which was extremely muffled. These guys really needed to break in and properly install the recorder inside.

"Could...fuck anyone else? Cum on...tits? ...Tie up...mercilessly pound...little pussy? You couldn't......wet mouth to keep your cock warm......with your salty load? Tell me, Rurik."

"Malia...no idea......such a dirty girl."

I slammed my laptop shut and stood up. I resisted the strong urge to throw it against the wall; I really needed to stop shattering expensive things so often.

But what the fuck?!

I had never heard Aria talk dirty to me like that. And apparently, neither had that fuckface-bitch, Rurik. Was that their first time? Had Chris interrupted them on time?

Did he use a condom?

What if she got pregnant?

I couldn't do this any longer. I needed to go get her. There were still 3 weeks left of my ban on international travel, but this was an emergency. Fuck the plan for her to come to me after I paid her a friendly little non-threatening visit. All bets were off now.

I called Lara.

"Yes, Mr. DeSantos?"

"I just played part of the recording from the night Chris...intercepted. I'm calling my probation officer in the morning to tell him that there's a family emergency in Europe. And then we're flying to Iceland."

Hide and Seek: Married to My Master Part 2Where stories live. Discover now