A Piece of Advice

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Talk to me even if it's to yell at me,
Let me hear your beautiful voice, even if the words are not sweet.
-Jeon Jungkook

A whole week passed by, Taehyung hasn't talked with Jungkook from that day. He keeps on looking at the brunette in hope that atleast once he'll look at him, but no matter what, the elder didn't really seem to notice his presence. They talked normally infront of their parents as their family members had no idea about their fight but they did suspected some thing is wrong with them, thinking of it as a couple's quarrel, they decided not to pry into their personal matters.

Currently, they were all at Jeju Island. Yes, they are going to marry by the beach side, according to Tae it's the best place as Jungkook proposed him on a beach. But that level of excitement is no more on the brunette's face or maybe he's pretending in front of the families when he smiles widely at them.

Taehyung's travel partner was Jin, he has not left the others side at all, letting Jungkook to not get near him at all. In fact Tae even slept in his parents room, saying he missed them making it more harder for Kook to talk with him.

"Good Morning everyone." Jungkook said taking his seat on the table for breakfast. The family were already there, talking about their days plan. Taehyung was also in his usual seat next to Kook but all his attention was on the left to the Princess. He was convincing her to eat fruits along with her mother.

"Kookie, you're late!" Jungkook's mom said passing him the bowl of fruits.
"Sorry, had a late night, the wedding planner issues." He said rolling his eyes.

"What did she do now?" Taehyung turned to him, suddenly taking interest in talking to him.
"Something with the colour of the decoration I guess, white turned off-white." Kook can clearly see the turn of emotions in Tae's eyes when he spoke about the colour so he added, "But no need to worry, it's solved now."

He turned back to making the Princess eat, "Of course, it is." Why does Kook feels like it was kind of sarcastic and definitely pointed at him.
"So are you guys ready for the wedding?" Lisa asked.
"Whose wedding?" Apparently the statement made by the ting human made Taehyung laugh.

"Honey, your TaeTae and Kookie uncle's wedding."

"TaeTae, do you love Kookie?" Even though Jungkook can't see his face right now, he felt such a relief when the elder replied saying 'Yes, very much.' Which means he's not angry with him anymore.

"But TaeTae my friend says a man can only love a woman." She was so confused, her eyebrows meeting in the middle as she held a frown.

"That's not true, love is not bound to any gender, you're free to love whoever you want to."

The smart girl let out an understanding 'Oh'.
"That means I can also love anyone I want." Tae gave her a small smile with an encouraging nod.

Jungkook loved how Taehyung interacted with her, he placed his hand on his thigh making him jolt a bit from surprise, but it was not long before Taehyung just stood up, excused himself and went away from the table. He just sighed, disappointed, composed himself readily hope no one noticed it but someone did.

It was in the evening, Taehyung was sitting by the beach, sipping on a cocktail, when Jimin came and sat by side, joining him.
"I'm here for you."
"Are you in need of something?"
"Taehyung, are you happy with this marriage?" He was taken aback from the sudden questioning.

"Yes.Why do you ask?"
"Maybe because of how you've been interacting with Jungkook lately."
"You're ignoring your fiancé Tae, you don't be goofy around him anymore."
"That's because I'm angry with him, you know that right."

"I know what Mr.Jeon did wasn't really a wise decision, he should've not really hid those things from you, but did you try looking at this from his point of view?"

"What's there to look?"
"See that's not the attitude you keep with someone you love. All he wanted was to protect you."

"I didn't ask for his protection."
"Okay tell me, if you were in a situation where you've an option to protect either you or your fiancé, who would you choose?"

"Him." Taehyung said without any hesitation.
"Because I love him."

"See, and he did the same thing, to protect someone he loves, you've known him from years, you know how much he loves you. He always keeps you first no matter what and when it came to this, he did what a lover would do."

"But he hid it from me, at least after everything got over, he could have told me about it or given me any hint that it was his plan or something."

"That's true, but he did what he thought is right, by keeping you in hiding, he thought he's protecting you, which he was wrong and he failed to understand it."

"You know the most attractive thing I found out about him when we first met was his honesty, obviously besides the fact that he is so handsome, he has always been honest with me."

"And he's still honest with you, didn't he tell you the truth when you found out and asked him about the whole thing, he never lied Tae, as I said he did what he thought was right in the situation."

"What do you think Jimin? What shall I do?"

"What you feel is right in this situation. You do realise you guys are getting married day after tomorrow. Don't you want to enjoy your wedding? Don't you want to spend it being with your fiancé?"

"Are you telling me that I should forgive him?"

"I'm saying that sometimes people make mistakes, and when you love someone you've to learn to let go of some of them. What's done is already done, he learned his lesson, there's no point in dragging it."

"I know, but I just can't seem to forgive him, I keep on thinking how many other things he might've kept from me for the sake of protecting me."

"You can talk about this with him whenever you're ready."

"Hmm. Thanks for the advice." Tae said smiling at him.

"Don't only thank me, Jin Hyung is very much concerned too. He asked Mr.Jeon about this, and when he told him the matter, Hyung was ready to talk with you but Mr.Jeon stopped him saying that no one tells you anything, he'll be the only one talking to you."

That made Taehyung feel bad, as the other tried to talk to him so many times but he didn't give him any chance.

At the rehearsal dinner, things looked better than before. Taekook were not on talking terms yet but Taehyung did manage to smile at Kook when the other complimented him saying 'He looks beautiful'.

They even shared a few glance, but Taehyung looked away when the other catched him looking at his way, overall they managed to get over with it peacefully.
After everything got over, it hit Jungkook that the wedding is the next day and Taehyung still have not forgiven him.

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