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I know you don't need protection, but I do, in your arms I feel protected.
  -Kim Taehyung

Warning: The below chapter contains some mature content.

"Fuc-k Taee you make me fee-l soo goo-od."
"Ahh- ahh."
"Let me... let me come."
"Are you a good boy?" Kook asked with the others dick in his hand not letting him get a release.
And Jungkook let him come, releasing together, him resting his face into others shoulder, holding him up from his waist preventing the other to fell on his knees.

After taking a two hours nap, they continued with their session in the shower. Kook removed himself from Taehyung, the juices dripping from the hole on his thighs. He readily collected it with his fingers and placed them on the brunettes lips which the other licked, humming to the taste.
"You did so good baby." He said kissing his forehead.

Jungkook helped the elder get cleaned up and picked him up, placing him softly into the bed, cuddling and taking a nap before waking up in few hours.

"Fuck." Was the first word Taehyung let out when he woke up and tried to get up from the bed. He can't feel his legs plus his back pains so much it feels like it's broken, indeed Jungkook did broke his back. Being fully awake now, Taehyung recalled the steamy scenes from last night. Gosh, Jungkook is like Alpha in rut, the stamina that man had. It was the first time they had so many rounds back to back, Taehyung's not really going to provoke him anytime soon unless there's a vacation coming because sure as hell he loved each and every part of it.

He wonders where is the said man, until he spotted a small note on the bedside drawer with medicine and glass of water.
"Good Morning love,
Sorry I had to leave early, office calls.
We'll go to the wedding planner tomorrow.
There's medicine and water for you, I've already informed Eve to prepare you your tea, take it and rest for the day."

Hmm? It's so early for office though. Is everything alright with the company? Taehyung asked it to no one in particular. For those who are wondering about the wedding, yes it's taking place in two weeks. Most of the arrangements are done but they have to finalise a few things with their planner today, looks like it'll have to be postponed.

"Good Morning Mr.Kim." The red head smiled brightly. "Omo, are you alright?"
"Yes I'm fine, what's wrong with me?" Taehyung asked raising his eyebrows in a questioning manner.
"You're limping sir." Tae was walking awfully slowly, the drug is yet to take action.

But our Tae-bear isn't really shy about flaunting these things to others, "Who do you think did that?"
The other instantly replied, "Mr.Jeon?" She was surprised to hear but hold on, he wouldn't... ohhh, realisation came to her a little late, her cheeks red with embarrassment of imaging his bosses sex life, no worries she's a Taekook lover.

"Good Morning Mr.Jeon."
Narrowing his eyes, "Why are you calling me that?"
"That's because you'll be Jeon Taehyung in two weeks?" Hobi squeaked excitedly.
"Who says I'm changing my surname for him?"
"You aren't?"
"Haven't decided yet." The other let out an understanding 'hmm'

"Anyway, what are you doing here? Don't you have like preparation to do?"
"Yeah but Kook's busy with work, we'll go tomorrow."
"Right, Yoongi Hyung thinks there's some similarity with the previous case he handled."

"You mean the Augustus case?"
"Yes, the guy got bankrupt in the end when most of his investors sued him for theft."
"How is that related to our case?"
"Apparently, he was charged with the same reasons, a millionaire who had no such track records and he claims to be innocent."

Hobi asked him, "Why was he arrested then?"
"Oh they were not able to find enough proof but mainly because he had some illegal side business."
"I still don't get how both are related?"
"There was no evidence of the stolen data, he was innocent about the business he ran into his company, he was a millionaire whose name was amongst the top and lost everything because of the claims."

"Are you telling me that they really failed to find the real culprit?"
"Yes, so does Yoongi Hyung believes so, if he really was running such funny business than he'd be smart enough to hide it."
"Okay so what do we do now?"
"We find the common connections between both the companies?"

"Boss, we've planted the evidence regarding how fraud Mr.Jeon can be."
"Great, we have to now just wait for them to take action."
"Are you sure this will work?"
"It has to, people are not that hard to deceive. Don't call me till you find it out."

*call ended*

"Hmm?" The raven head muttered, attention solely on the book he's reading.
"Let's sleep." Taehyung was not able to sleep because of the lights on in the room.
"You proceed, I'll just read few parts."

He just rolled his eyes at how the other is too lost, "You know I can't really sleep with the lights on." That seemed to get the others attention.
"Baby, do you want me to go to the study?"
"No I just want you to cuddle me." The other laughed at the puppy eyes he was making.
"I'll darling, just few minutes."

Tae knew he's not going to get some sleep soon, so he just decided to take a interest in the book,
"What're you reading?"
"Into the water."

Ohhh was heard, kook can really make out the tone of it, "Tae, don't you dare."
"What? I said nothing."
"I know what are you trying to do."

"It's just I finished reading it last month, the suspense was quite unpredictable." He had a smirk on.
"No, I don't want to hear it." Jungkook said covering his mouth with his palm but other said it, "It's Sam the police officer."
"That's it I'm going to kill you, come here you brat." Kook said running behind the goofy man who was laughing, tickling him making him squirm under him on the bed, giggling like a child.

"Stop, I think I'll pee." And Jungkook's phone saved him when someone called. The younger was on the call for quite some time, he returned back to the room to inform him that he'll be leaving, there's something urgent that came up back at the company.

He seemed to be in a hurry so Taehyung didn't questioned him further, thinking what must've happened? Now that his cuddle bunny is gone, he was just lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling, trying to connect the dots when his phone rang which brought him back to the present. It was his assistant calling, it's almost midnight.

"Mr.Kim, switch on the news."
"Why? What happened?" Taehyung was feeling nervous all of a sudden, from the tone of the other it must be something important.

"The cases got into the news that Mr.Jeon's company got sued by the major investors."

And the thing which Taehyung was afraid of happened. There in the headlines of the news, is the name of his fiancé being called a fraud.

Hello readers,
I think the smut part got a bit intense but that's how our Taekook couple is. So Jungkook's got sued news is officially out in the public with all the media platforms. Any idea of what'll Taehyung do now? Or what'll be Jungkook's next step.
You'll have to wait to find it out.

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