Chapter 35: "Night out"

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I wore a pair of light blue baggy jeans, and an unbuttoned patterned shirt with a CK sports bra.

-“Is that what you are wearing?” She asked as I walked into the living room, Sofia was sitting next to her on the couch.

-“Yes, why?” I raised my eyebrows.

-“Nothing, you just look good in this outfit baby” She gave me a small smile.

-“Babe, are you jealous?” I smiled

-“Of course not, why would I be?” She shrugged and I saw Sofia trying to hide a smile.

-“You have nothing to be worried about” I pecked her lips.

-“Do you want me to drive you?”

-“Could you?”

-“Yes, where are you meeting up?” She asked getting up and putting her shoes on.

-“The closet”

-“The gay club?”

-“Yep, Marcus has been flirting with the guy at the door and he is going to let us in” She didn’t say anything. She grabbed her keys and I followed her into the car. “Al?” I asked as she started driving.


-“Did something bother you?”

-“Nope” She seemed pissed off.

-“Al, tell me”

-“I’m fine, go have fun with your friends, drink, dance, flirt with the lesbians, like people do.” She said as she stopped the car for me to get out.

-“Do you really think I’m going there to flirt with the lesbians?” She shrugged and I scoffed. “You are unbelievable. After all this time, you should be able to trust me, I’ve never done anything to hurt you”

She didn’t say anything, she just looked down and bit her bottom lip.

-“You know what, I’m gonna go have fun and maybe I will give you a reason to not trust me.” I got out of the car and walked towards the entrance. My friends were waiting for me there.

-“Are you ok?” Rachel asked

-“Yes, I’m fine, I’m mad at Alex”


-“She thought we chose this place so I could flirt”

-“You are kidding, right?” Marcus asked

-“Nope, I told her that since she doesn’t trust me I might as well give her a reason to”

-“Are you stupid? Why would you tell her that?”

-“You took it too far dude”

-“She was insecure and got jealous, you should have kissed her and told her not to worry about it” I shrugged and we walked in. They let us in, no questions asked and the guy at the door even bought all of us a drink.

As I was dancing with Rachel, my phone rang and it was Alex. I ignored it and let it ring, I wouldn’t let her ruin the rest of my night.

I went to the bar to get a second drink.

-“Rum with cola please” I wasn’t used to drinking, I was never a fan of alcohol, especially after seeing what it did to my dad, but today I wanted to get drunk.

My phone buzzed and it was a text from Alex.

-“Just be careful” I shoved the phone back into my pocket.

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