Chapter 22: "Back to school"

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On Wednesday she was feeling much better, she hadn’t had a fever for the past two days, only a sore throat and a cough that didn’t seem to get much better. She decided she would come to school, even though I told her to wait at least one more day.

She drove us to school, we entered the school at the same time and to my surprise, my friends were waiting for me in the hallway.

-“Good morning Ms. Miller, how are you?” Rachel asked politely and smiled at her.

-“Good morning Rachel, I’m doing better, and you?” Her voice was still raspy.

-“I’m doing well” She smiled awkwardly. That was probably the most awkward conversation I’ve heard.

-“Ms. Miller, you are back” A girl exclaimed walking towards us.

-“Hello Eve”

-“How are you feeling miss ?” She said walking closer but Alex took a few steps back.

-“I’m much better, but don’t come too close, because I’m not a hundred percent well”

-“Oh, I’m sorry, we missed you, the sub is a creep and he’s boring” Alex chuckled.

-“Yes I know, Emma told me, well, I’m back, and hopefully we won’t need him again.”

-“Bye Ms. Miller”

-“Bye Eve, see you in class, you too Emma” She said and patted my arm.

She left and my friends turned to look at me.

-“So, you walked in with her” Marcus said

-“Yes, we I saw her at the parking lot and we walked in together”

-“I call bullshit. You were at her house and now you are lying about it” Rachel exclaimed

-“I wasn’t” I defended and they scoffed.

-“Bro quit lying, you smell like her” Marcus added and I sighed.

-“Okay, yes, I was at her house”

-“I knew it” Rachel exclaimed.

-“Please keep it down, I went to check up on her”

-“And why did you spend the night?” Marcus asked suspiciously

-“Because we were chatting and having fun and it was late and we decided that it would be better if I just spent the night”

-“So, are you friends with her?” He asked weirded out.

-“Kind of”

-“Bro, that’s weird” She added.

-“Not really, she’s only twenty-three and she’s pretty cool too, she plays guitar, she reads books, she likes to draw…”

-“Hold up, she’s only 23?” He asked and I nodded. “Oh”

We kept on chatting and I tried to convince them that nothing was going on between us. They dropped it eventually but they didn’t seem convinced. My classes went great and I was looking forward to Alex’s class.

I got there a few minutes early and she was sitting at her desk, she didn’t look too well and I rushed to her side.

-“Are you ok? You don’t look too well”

-“I can’t wait to go home, I’m exhausted and my throat hurts” I rubbed circles on her back, she was pale.

-“Just a few more hours, and then we can go home and rest. Have you taken anything?” She shook her head no “You should go to the nurse to get some ibuprofen”

I'm sorry Ms. MillerWhere stories live. Discover now