Chapter 21: "I love you"

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 The next morning I woke up and checked up on her, she had a fever again, I woke her up and made her tea with honey. She took her medication and I sat next to her on the bed and put a wet towel on her forehead.

-“You didn’t go home last night?”

-“No, I didn’t want to leave you alone”

-“You are going to make me cry, stop being so nice” I chuckled.

We cuddled on the couch until she felt better, her coughing however hadn’t gotten any better and her chest was hurting. We decided to try Vicks VapoRub.

-“Here” I said passing it to her and she looked at me and raised her eyebrows.

-“Do you feel uncomfortable doing it?”

-“No, of course not, I just wasn’t sure if you wanted to”

-“I’m okay with it” She smiled.

-“Alright, then get naked” I joked and she lightly laughed.

-“Don’t make me laugh, you know it hurts” She took her top off and I took a minute to take her body in, she still looked hot, but she seemed thinner than the last time I saw her naked.

-“You haven’t been eating well, have you?” She looked down and shook her head no.

I rubbed her chest with Vicks and when I was done she was still looking down.

-“Was it because of me?” She didn’t answer “It was”


-“You’ve lost a lot of weight since the last time I saw you, you need to start taking care of yourself again”

-“I know, I just didn’t have an appetite. This month has been a nightmare, I could barely function and I didn’t even try to take care of myself. I’ve been skipping meals, losing sleep, and throwing myself to work. That’s why I probably ended up getting sick and now I don’t seem to get better.”

-“I’m sorry for putting you through all this shit, I didn’t know you were struggling as much”

-“I tried to hide it” She hid her head in the crook of my neck and I caressed her head. She mumbled something, but I didn’t hear her.


-“I love you” She said a little louder and I pushed her away.

-“You love me?” I asked surprised and I felt myself tearing up.

-“I do, I love you Emma”

-“I love you too Alex” I said and kissed her, she pushed me back.

-“You are going to get sick, stupid”

-“I don’t fucking care, you love me”

-“Well, I do, I need you to take care of me”

-“You are so stupid”

-“And you’ve been cussing a lot lately”

-“That’s not true”

-“Are you serious? The day we fought you were swearing like a truck driver” I chuckled.

-“I was mad, that’s why” She hugged me.

We spent the entire weekend together and I took care of her, by Sunday night she was starting to feel a little better. On Monday she had a doctor’s appointment in order to be able to get more leave and maybe a more specific treatment.

I told my friends how she’s been doing and they started asking questions about everything that happened the last month, but instead of answering I just brushed them off.

After school, I went from my house and got a backpack with some clothes and went to her place. I rang the bell and she let me in.

-“So, what did the doctor tell you?”

-“It’s just a seasonal cold, but because I was already run down before catching it, it hit me harder, he said I should eat more and drink more water and that I should start feeling better in a few days.”

-“That’s good news” She nodded. “How have you been feeling today?”

-“A bit better, the cough has gone down a little and I still had no fever”

-“That’s great, do you want me to go cook?”

-“Could you?”

-“Of course, how is your throat?”

-“Still sore” I nodded and went into the kitchen. I made soup with chicken, carrots, and rice. When I got into the living room she was asleep on the couch.

-“Alex, wake up” She stirred, “Alex” I shook her a little and she opened her eyes and smiled.

-“I love waking up to the sight of you”

-“You’ve told me before” We went into the kitchen and sat down to eat.



-“What are we now?”

-“What do you mean?”

-“Are we friends? Are we getting back together?”

-“I-I don’t know, it’s up to you, you were the one that was unsure” I shrugged.

-“I want us to get back together if that’s what you want too”

-“I do, of course I do” She hugged me tightly “Now go back to eating, it’s going to get cold” She chuckled and started eating. When she was done I served her a second plate and she ate that one as well.

-“Thank you, it was great” She made a move to take the plates to the sink but I stopped her.

-“Go lay down, I’ll clean the kitchen and I’ll bring you some tea with honey” I cleaned up, made her tea and took my homework, and sat with her on the couch.

-“Thank you baby”

-“I missed that” She smiled at me and I started doing my homework. When I got to her class she peaked I’ve to see what the substitute was teaching.

-“Is he any good?”

-“He is ok, but he is creepy, he looks at girls in a weird way. We need you back soon”

-“Damn, is he old?”

-“In his thirties”

-“What a creep” She helped me solve the exercises he had assigned and we then lay on the couch, cuddling.

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