Chapter 28: "I was worried"

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The next week went by the same way. Alex tried talking to me once, but I avoided her. I couldn’t handle talking about it. On Friday I decided to skip school and try to sleep a little.

Around 12.3 my door opened and my mum walked into my room.

-“Mum? Shouldn’t you be at work?”

-“I was, but the principal called me to inform me that you weren’t at school today”

-“Oh” She sat on the bed next to me.

-“Emma, you haven’t talked to me since the day you came back. I know it’s incredibly hard for you and I understand that what you went through…”

-“No mum, stop, I don’t want to talk about it. Just leave me alone”

-“At least listen to what I have to say. As I was saying, I understand that what you went through was traumatic, and I know that it had an impact on you, but you shouldn’t let it ruin your life.”

-“I’m fine”

-“Emma, we both know that’s a lie. Perhaps you should consider seeing a professional, like a therapist”

-“I don’t want to talk about it, not to you, not to a professional, not to anyone”

-“Not even Alex?”

-“I don’t know…” She lay down on the bed and hugged me. “I’m sorry mum”

-“It’s okay monkey, I just want you to be happy again” “Did you manage to get any sleep?”

-“No, I really miss Alex”

-“You should call her. Have you talked to her?”

-“No, not since I left her house. I told her I need a break and now I don’t know how to approach her again, what if she doesn’t want to talk to me?”

-“I say text her monkey, Alex cares for you” The bell rang “I’ll go answer, try to get some sleep” I nodded and closed my eyes. I heard my door open as my eyelids started getting heavy.

-“Mum?” I mumbled with my eyes closed.

-“It’s me” Her soft voice sounded like music to my ears.

I smelled her cologne and opened my eyes. She was standing next to my bed looking at me. I looked at her, not knowing what to say.

-“I know you said you needed time, but you didn’t come to school and I was worried, I’m sorry if I’m bothering you”

Her hair fell perfectly on her shoulders and she was biting her bottom lip. She was wearing a purple t-shirt with light blue jeans and air-force.

-“I’m sorry, I’ll just go” She said and I realized that I forgot to say something.

-“Don’t go” I said, sitting up on the bed and she turned to look at me. She walked up to me and sat on the bed.

-“You look tired”

-“I haven’t been sleeping well”


-“Yes” She let out a sigh “I missed you”

-“I missed you too Em”

-“I’m sorry I completely ignored you these two weeks, but I’m struggling, mentally, and I’m not sure how to handle it”

-“It’s ok, I understand, thank you for trusting me with this”

I told her how I’ve been feeling and what has been going on in my mind. I was terrified, I’ve never been so vulnerable with anyone.

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