Chapter 33: "Sofia"

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Therapy was going well, and as I continued, I found it easier to open up about everything. I haven’t said anything about the presence of Alex in my life though, no one can know.

Rachel and Marcus heard back from college and they both got accepted. I was so happy for them, but also sad because that meant that they would leave.

This Saturday it is my birthday and they want us to go out and celebrate. I wanted to spend this day with Alex, but my friends also wanted to celebrate getting accepted, so they managed to convince me to go with them.

It was now Friday and I was at home, waiting for Alex to pick me up, so I can spend the weekend with her.

My phone rang and I ran outside.

-“Hey babe” She pecked my lips as I got in the car.

-“Hey, how are you?”

-“I’ve been better, you?”

-“I’m ok, why did something happen?”

-“I’ll tell you when we get home”

We remained silent for the rest of the drive and when we got to her house she dropped on the couch.

-“I have a headache, and I don’t feel too well”

-“Aww, baby” I sat next to her on the couch and put my hand on her thigh. “Can I do anything to help?”

-“Yes, you can come to lay down with me”

We went into her room and changed into shorts and a t-shirt, it was too hot for anything else. She turned the AC on and lay on the bed.

-"I was too hot in the jeans and shirt I wore and I haven’t slept properly all week, plus my back hurts” I caressed her cheek.

-“I’ll go bring you some painkillers” I came back with a glass of water and the pill, but she wasn’t in the room.

-“Ugh, I just got my period” She whined walking in. I gave her the pill and she took it. We lay on the bed.

-“I’ll go out with my friends tomorrow”

-“For coffee?”

-“Nope, at a club” She turned to look at me and raised her eyebrows.

-“You are not going to a club Em, you are underage”

-“I don’t remember asking you. If I want to go, I will” I said annoyed and she pecked my lips.

-“Just be careful, okay?” I expected her to get mad. “I know you are just as tired as I am and it’s been a hard week for you too”

-“You are right, I’m sorry, it’s been a rough week. Let’s take a nap.” We fell asleep in each other’s arms.

The doorbell rang waking us up.

-“Are you expecting anyone?”

-“No” She shook her head and got up to answer the door “Wait here” She stopped me from following her and closed the door behind her as she left.

I heard yelling and a loud voice. I opened the door and carefully walked out, there was a woman in the living room, that turned to look at me as soon as I walked in.

-“Oh my god Allie, you got a girl here?” She squealed.

-“Yes Sof”

-“Tell me everything” She pulled her to sit down on the couch “Come sit with us” She told me.

-“She’s my girlfriend, Emma, Emma, this is my best friend Sofia”

-“Nice to meet you” She said, her accent was stronger than Alex’s

-“Nice to meet you too” I shook her hand.

-“So, how did you two meet?”

-“Okay, promise me you won’t kill me” Alex told her and started telling her in Italian. She responded in a serious tone and they kept talking back and forth, raising their voice more every time.

-“La amo, Sof” She said in her cute accent and her friend stopped talking and turned to look at me.

-“What? Are you serious?”


-“Have you told her?” Alex chuckled.

-“Yes, she knows that I love her” She pecked my lips.

-“You are hot” She said eyeing me.

-“Thanks” Alex left to go to the bathroom and her friend sat closer to me.

-“Listen here, I know you are young and you probably think this whole thing is fun, but you better not break her heart.”

-“I won’t, I love her” She put her hand on my shoulder, lightly squeezing it, and spoke

-“I hope so because if you do anything to hurt her, you won’t get away with it, I’ll come and find you and hurt you the worst way possible, I won’t let her get hurt again” She was now in my face and she was dead-serious, her tone was threatening.

Alex walked in and she backed off. Mt heart was beating fast in my chest and I felt as if I couldn’t breathe properly.

-“What’s going on?” She turned to look at me “Ems, are you ok?” She kneeled next to me and put her hand on my thigh.

-“Yes, I’m fine” I said not looking at her

-“You idiot, what did you do?” She asked her.

-“Nothing, I just gave her a warning”

-“Oh my god, you are such an idiot. I can protect myself Sof.” She caressed my cheek and pecked my lips “I’m sorry if she scared you”

-“It’s okay babe, I love you”

-“Am I really that scary? I’m sorry, I didn’t want to upset you”

-“That’s fine, it’s… uh.. it’s not you. I come from an abusive household and I get scared easily” I admitted and her lips parted and color drained out of her face.

-“Shit, I’m so sorry” She seemed genuinely upset about it, I gave her a small smile and turned to look at Alex.

-“How are you feeling babe?” I asked her.

-“I’ve been better, the headache is gone, but my back still hurts.”

She sat next to me on the couch and we chatted. Sofia, came from Italy to surprise Alex for a few days. She seemed like a fun person.

-“I’m starving” Alex said

-“Lets order, what do you want Allie?”

-“Uh, not sure, maybe pizza, or burger with fries. Uhg, I don’t know” She whined.

-“How about we get both, and share them?” I suggested, she nodded enthusiastically and pecked my lips.

-“I’m getting a burger” Sofia said and Alex ordered. We waited for thirty minutes and as soon as our food arrived, we dove in.

Once we were done we ate some ice cream and went to bed. Sofia would sleep on the couch.

A/N: If you are enjoying the story don't forget to upvote.

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