Chapter 32: "Family lunch"

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The next morning we got dressed and went to school as usual.

-“Hey guys, any news?” I asked my friends as we made our way to the cafeteria

-“Nope, same shit” Rachel said

-“I got injured in practice yesterday and I’m out for a few days” Marcus said.

-“What happened?” I turned to look at him

-“I was running and got tackled on the ground with force and landed on my hand.” He lifted his hand up and sure enough, it was wrapped in a bandage. “And I scraped my knees and hands”

-“How the hell did we not notice earlier?” Rachel exclaimed

-“I guess we are all stressed” He shrugged. “You Ems, have you heard from college yet?”

-“Nope, still nothing”

We ate in silence and I could tell Rachel was extremely stressed with all this waiting.

-“Bro, everything is going to be alright, stressing over it won’t change anything, just try to think of something else.”

-“You are right, but it’s my dream to study medicine, and I just can’t stop thinking about it”

-“Bro with your grades, you have nothing to worry about” Marcus reassured her.

She sighed and the bell rang. We went on with our classes and once we were done I went home.

On Saturday I helped my mum get the house ready and cook. She wanted everything to be perfect for Alex. I texted her and told her when to come.

-“Emma, your room is messy” My mum scolded me.

-“How is it messy, my bed is made, my shoes and clothes are in my closet and my desk is tidied.”

-“Your bed isn’t made properly and your backpack is on the floor”

-“Where the fuck am I supposed to put my backpack? And do you properly make a bed?”

-“Ey, watch your language. Put your backpack on your chair and I’ll make the bed” She was extremely annoying.

I shooed her out of my room and got dressed, it was hot outside, so I decided to wear a pink short-sleeved shirt with a pair of light blue jeans and my white air force. The bell run and I rushed to open, but my mum got there first.

-“Alex, come in” She was wearing a tight white shirt, with black suit pants and white shoes.

-“You look amazing” I hugged her and tried to kiss her, but she stopped me.

-“You look amazing too Em” “We are not kissing in front of your mum” She whispered in my ear and I chuckled. “Mary, I brought, these” She smiled “It’s pasta and tiramisu. I made them”

-“Oh thank God, because my daughter prefers your food over mine” My mum joked and she smiled.

My mum placed the food on the table and we sat to eat. I sat next to Alex and my mum was facing us.

-“So, Alex, tell me a little bit about yourself”

-“Uh, what do you want to know?”

-“You are really young. Is this your first time teaching?”

-“Yes, it’s my first job”

-“You haven’t worked before? At all?”

-“No, I lived with my parents and I didn’t have to work”

I'm sorry Ms. MillerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz