“What? I just ran half a mile in forty six seconds? That can’t be right!” Valerie shrieked to herself.

She stopped and pulled out her cell phone. She searched for the world record time for the half mile. The record for 800 meters, which she knew was about half a mile, was 1:39:52.

“What? Man I must really be messed up or something.” As she spoke she noticed she wasn’t even breathing very hard.

I just broke the world record for the half mile by like fifty seconds, and I’m not even panting? What is wrong with me? Maybe this is all some weird nightmare and I’ll wake up any second now.

She stood on the trail, waiting to wake up in her warm bed back at home, but instead she heard something loud in the sky. It sounded like a jet far off. She looked up and saw an enormous man flying through the sky coming right for her. He wasn’t close yet, but moving fast.

Whatever is going on I don’t think I want to be attacked again, even if I’m dreaming. Let’s see if I can make that running thing work again, Valerie thought.

She looked down at her leg to where the lunatic had bitten her, but other than the dried blood it looked like the wound had completely healed. She reached down and rubbed the blood away to take a closer look. The skin was stained but pristine, like it had never been punctured by that nasty old man’s teeth. The noise which had grown much louder brought her back to the here and now. She looked back up at the man, who she could now see was actually an enormous robot, and it was closer than she expected.

She took off, running again at an inhuman speed. The trees really were flying past her like she was driving in her car. The noise was getting loud enough to hurt her ears. She just kept running, not wanting to take the risk of slowing down to look back. Then she felt it. Something touched her butt. She jumped reflexively, and then waited to fall to the ground and take a horrible spill, but the ground started to fall away from her. She looked down at her hips. The thing that had touched her butt was a metal chair. She turned around. The chair was connected to the robot. She was sitting in his hand, which had somehow formed into a chair complete with a strap that flew across her waist securing her in. Once again she started to scream, and this time there really was no one there to hear her.

They soared over the forest until they were flying above the city. Then they headed south, and soon they were above another forest. As they flew Valerie gripped the sides of the chair and kept her eyes closed. She chanced a glance now and then just long enough to get a sense of where they were going. Every time it made her stomach lurch. By the time the robot had descended on the lift and walked into the facility corridor Valerie was feeling really light headed, and then she fainted.


* * *


She woke up strapped to a table. She tried sitting up but she couldn’t. There were metal bands holding her down across her wrists, ankles, and waist. A man was doing something to her arm. She looked over to see a needle being poked into her arm, and then her own very red blood being pulled through a tube. It was too much for her and she fainted again.

The second time she woke up she hoped it had all just been a dream, but she was still trapped on the table. She heard people talking. She looked over. There were a few guys in white lab coats hunching over a computer monitor.

“How long do you think she’s had the nanotech in her system?”

“It’s hard to say but if she was bitten shortly before the retrieval robot got her then it could be over an hour now.”

“That’s incredible. It took effect on Mr. Conrad in less than a minute.”

“I know.”

“So do you think it’s just a matter of time?”

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