【 Chapter 24 】➪ 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐞

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       The soft pitter-patter of rain against the window of the carriage does little to soothe me in my current brooding state. My eyes drag across the terrain outside absently as the carriage bumps along on the dirt road. I let out a heavy sigh, my slumped posture clearly displaying my dismay at the whole situation. I'm hardly listening as Speedwagon and Zeppeli discuss the matter at hand.

       "He's smar'er than you think, old man. That Dio's a crafty one I'll tell ya that. He'll find a way to play some sor'a trick on us, I'm sure of it," Speedwagon warns him.

       "Well," Zeppeli says, "There's no possible way that he could've mastered the powers of the stone mask in such a short time. Nevertheless, we shall be careful."

       Athena scoffs. "You haven't met the guy. He's nuts. Batshit crazy he is, only take's one glance at 'im to tell." She pauses for a moment, her face scrunched in thought. "Actually, scratch that, most people can't tell. He acts too well. But, my point stands; don't underestimate that man."

"He is not crazy," I mumble under my breath, barely loud enough to hear.

"I'm sorry?" Athena raises her brows in astonishment.

"I said, he's not crazy. He's just. . . misguided. Terribly misguided," I continue in a soft voice. "You judge him too quickly."

"I judge him too quickly? I've know the guy longer than you 'ave, and trust me, I've dreamed of getting back at that piece of rubbish since the day he left me!" She growls, glaring at Jonathan.

Speedwagon puts a hand on her knee in an attempt to calm her. "Athena, what Mr. Joestar is trying to say is that he's known Dio as a brother, for eight years. He just needs time to process—"

"I do not need time to process anything. I'm simply stating that in the time he's been in Liverpool here with us he there's a possibility that he might've changed, but you assume he's exactly the same as when he left London." I explain, getting a little frustrated that Speedwagon is trying to speak for me. I take a deep breath and turn to face the window again, mulling over the years I spent with Dio.

How could you do this, Dio? I thought you'd given up your resentment a long time ago. Or at least, I'd hoped. I suppose I was wrong.


       My pencil flicks small yet deliberate lines across the mostly blank page of my sketchbook as I try to stay focused on my drawing, but every few seconds my eyes flit up from my paper and are drawn to the sparring match taking place in the courtyard bellow. Dio is training with Blueford for the upcoming battle between him and Jonathan.

       Jonathan. I sigh. A part of me hopes this hamon will be powerful. At least, powerful enough to defend against Dio's attacks. My dread has only grown in the last few days, creeping into my every waking moment until I can't think of anything else.

       Dio lands another powerful kick to Blueford's ribs, causing him to stumble, but he quickly regains his balance. Despite not possessing as much brute strength as Dio, his superior skills in hand to hand combat put them on fairly even ground as they spar. If this was a duel with swords however, it would be an entirely different story. Blueford's sword fighting skills outweigh Dio's by far, since he is a trained royal guard—or, was, in his past. I can only imagine what rigorous training he's put himself through to reach this point.

𝐄𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖓𝖆𝖑 𝐋𝖎𝖒𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖈𝖊 Where stories live. Discover now