【 Chapter 18 】

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       "What?" My head snaps to face the front door of Primrose Books, my full attention snatched away from the book sitting in my lap and now directed at the young couple standing there.

       "It's exactly as Jonathan said, Anne. We were going on a morning stroll after visiting the ruins of the Joestar estate, a-and a strange man attacked us!" Erina holds on tightly to JoJo's arm, almost in a protective manner, "Th-Then, Jonathan's shoulder was healed somehow. . . and I think the man wants to train him!"

       I turn my gaze to Jonathan, observing his slightly concerned expression. Closing the book, I set it down on the table next to my reading chair, and get up.

       "Where is this man?" I question, approaching them while crossing my arms, "First, I'm going to give him a good hard slap in the face to knock some sense into him, and then, I will interrogate him to find what sort of magic he wields to heal broken bones by punching someone in the gut."

       "Wait Annie!" Jonathan moves to block the door, resting a hand on my shoulder, "You shouldn't go slapping whoever makes you upset. I know you're upset, but, you need to stop this."

       I quirk a brow, questioning what exactly he means, though I already know, "And what would, "this" be?"

       His eyebrows furrow, casting a small shadow over his eyes. His attention goes back to Erina as he silently asks her to leave the room so we can have a private chat. She nods, and they part, her hand lingering ever so slightly in his own before she left.

       I sigh, returning to the armchair while I wait for his speech to begin. He takes a seat across from me, looking a bit squished by the armrests due to his wide frame.

       "Let's address the fact that you've been acting strange lately. It's plain as day, even to the people like Speedwagon who hardly knew you. . . before."

       I rest my chin on my fist, pursing my lips as I squeeze my eyes shut, feeling the unending pain in my head begin to strengthen, "I, I know I've been, distant. And a bit more violent."

       "And that's completely understandable, after what you've been through." He leans forward and rests a hand on my knee, letting me know he's there, and that he isn't going anywhere. "What we've been through."

Slowly opening my eyes again, Jonathan's caring smile is enough to lift my spirits, even if only a little. I place my hand on top of his, holding it tightly. Fearing that he might disappear.

"Thank you, Jonathan. You really are a good friend." A comfortable silence settles between us, before I decide to break it, "But, I still want to interrogate that man. What could possibly heal you so fast?"

"I suppose that's a reasonable request. Let's go then, I'd like to get some answers of my own as well. He should be waiting by the stream as we speak." Jonathan says, getting up from the chair and heading out the door. I follow closely behind him so I don't lose sight of him.


???'s POV:

       "Bring me another human. My thirst has grown, as my wounds still haven't healed completely," A low, commanding voice orders from his spot sitting at the large arched window overlooking a cliff.

       I grunt in response, refusing to speak to him aloud. I won't bring you another innocent to feast on, you monster. His sharp glare falls on my form, sitting on the ground and trembling with rage.

         "Go now, unless you'd like to be next." He hisses through his teeth.

       Finally, something that sounds appealing. I'd rather die than do your dirty work. Scumbag. I cling to the cold tile floor, staying in place even though invisible puppet strings pull at my body to move.

𝐄𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖓𝖆𝖑 𝐋𝖎𝖒𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖈𝖊 Where stories live. Discover now