【 Chapter 14 】

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I'll let you know at what point in the chapter to start the song with this: ()




       Dio's body is shot full of bullets, flinching back with each one. So many bullets hit him with such force that he's thrown back, crashing through the window of the mansion, shattered glass flying everywhere. Thunder booms from outside, causing the light fixtures to rattle.

       What's going on? What is he doing? Why did he fall back so suddenly? I'm completely stiff, frozen in shock, Athena keeping hold of my arms so I don't collapse. Why isn't he getting up?

       My breath hitches, catching in my throat. Watching with wide eyes, I wait for him to get back up, brush himself off, and tell me that he's fine. A bullet can't stop my fearsome Dio, nothing can! He's invincible! This cruel world can't do much as lay a finger on him!

       When he still doesn't rise from the ground after a good 20 seconds, I snap out of my daze, yanking my arms from Athena's grasp. I hear her shout of protest, but it's the last thing on my mind at the moment.

       "Dio!" I cry out, tripping over myself as I rush to the window, leaping out into the pouring rain. I find him laying there, on the ground, clothes soaked and clinging to him. The glowing red eyes of the mask gradually fade, leaving them as dark as the rest of the soggy landscape.

       Blood stains his coat. That's too much blood. As I fumble to open the buttons, my hands are covered in his blood, warm and sticky against my skin in the cold rain.

       "No, no, no! Wake up! Dio!" I yell at him, seeing his chest riddled with bullet holes, seeping the bright scarlet onto his white shirt. I check his pulse by pressing my fingertips against his throat. Nothing.

       "Cut it out already! This isn't funny Dio! Wake up!" I demand, grabbing his collar and shaking him, "Stop this stupid act! I know a little blood loss isn't enough to kill you!" I toss the mask aside, seeing his face calm. No signature smirk. No piercing eyes.

       Raindrops mix with the hot tears streaming down my cheeks. I quickly try to resuscitate him, performing CPR, trying anything to get him to start breathing.

       "Come on!" I shout, panting from the effort, "Come on! Come on! Breathe!" My body starts getting weak, my hands losing their feeling from doing chest compressions. I try mouth to mouth, but it doesn't work very well as I'm starting to hyperventilate.

       I hear the bustling officers inside, and Jonathan speaking with his father in his last moments. The inspector starts telling some long winded story about how he could have prevented these events from occurring, but I couldn't care less about what he's saying right now.

       Dio shows absolutely no signs of life, laying completely still as water droplets roll down his face. No. He can't leave me. He can't die. He can't die! Dio can't be dead!

       Tilting my head up to the sky, I let out a cry of agony, sorrow, and rage. The scream soon turns into loud sobs as I pull Dio's lifeless body into my lap, caressing his face with my shaking fingers. I lean down and place a soft kiss on his forehead, and wrap my arms around him in a death grip, holding onto him for dear life.

       The rain chills me to the bone, frostbite stinging my heart, making it ache more than anything I've ever felt in my life. Don't leave me.

𝐄𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖓𝖆𝖑 𝐋𝖎𝖒𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖈𝖊 Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα