【 Chapter 11.5 】

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Time skip 2 years

A frustrated huff escapes my lips. I pull my hair, gritting my teeth with anger. Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid! Why would I ever think it was possible? I kick the chair sitting in the corner of my room, immediately regretting it, jumping back and yelping with pain.

I flop face first onto my bed, letting my pillow muffle my cry of outrage. How dare they do that to me! I'll show them one day! Even if I have to do everything myself, I will get my revenge! Sitting up, I prop my pillow up against the wall, taking out my growing rage on it with my fists.

After cooling off, I take deep breaths, in and out. Slowly regaining my composure, I let out a sigh, making my way to the bathroom. I should have known. They would never let me be free of this birdcage that is my reality. I splash some water on my face, grumbling at the dark circles under my eyes.

All my hard work, staying up late, buying supplies with what little money I have to spare, and they toss me aside, just because I'm what, not old enough? Or is it because I'm a girl? Is it because I'm not of noble blood? I'd like to see things from their point of view, as Father says, but unfortunately I don't think I can get my head that far up my arse!

I massage my temples, trying not to get worked up again. Retuning to my room, I pick up the small, handmade book, flipping through it's pages, seeing all the love and care I'd poured into it. My very first book, ready to be published, only for those snooty men at the print shop to shoot me down.

My eyes drift to the typewriter that my parents saved up to buy for me on my 15th birthday. I can't let all their hard work go to waste. My fingers brush over the smooth keys, recalling the satisfaction of hearing all the little clicks as I typed my book out.

It took all I had in me to stop Dio from marching into that print shop and beating the life out of those guys. He settled for just talking some sense into them, but unfortunately they wouldn't budge.

My thoughts are disturbed by a knock on my bedroom door. What the—it's already midnight, and my parents went to bed at 10:00. Why are they suddenly knocking on my door?

I creep towards the door, keeping my feet as light as possible to not make a sound. Carefully opening the door only a crack, I peek through to see no one there. What? Was it my imagination? No, I know what I heard.

My nerves tell me to close my door and lock it, but that isn't an option for a curious person like me. If it's a robber that's in this house then I need to protect my parents. I quickly grab the dagger from my nightstand, sharp eyes surveying the apartment.

Advancing out into the main room, I don't see anyone. I listen carefully, singling out the breathing of one other person, but I can't pinpoint their location.

In the most confident and threatening voice I can muster, I speak into the darkness, "Whoever you are, if you don't want to be gutted like a fish, I recommend that you come out from wherever you're hiding, and drop any weapons you may have,"

Arms close around me in one swift movement, my assailant taking hold of the hand I hold my knife in. I gasp, unable to wriggle out of their grasp. I'm about to scream when I hear his low chuckle from behind me. I grit my teeth, stomping my heel down on his foot. He stifles his cry of pain with his hand, releasing me.

𝐄𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖓𝖆𝖑 𝐋𝖎𝖒𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖈𝖊 Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu