holly (life is strange)

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First Name: holly

Last Name: whitlock

Gender: female

Age: 16

Species: human

Birthday: November 22 1996

Life Story: at 4 years old, holly was in a car accident and had a piece of glass stuck in her eye, giving her a scar and causing her to go blind in that eye and lost her mom. At 6, she attempted to cook by herself while her dad was sick and accidentally ended up catching herself on fire which gave her burns on her stomach.

Height: 5'3

Weight: 119 lbs

Personality: sweet, nerd, funny, kind, flirty

Like(s): science, animals, movies, drawing, painting

Dislike(s): Victoria, Nathan, vortex parties, being touched by strangers

Hobbies: gaming, reading, science projects

Fear(s): tornados, sharks, needles

Special Powers/Abilities: none

Best Class(es): science, math, art

Worst Class(es): history, english

Parent(s): Jay whitlock

Sibling(s): n/a

Relative(s): n/a

Best Friend(s): stella, brooke

Friend(s): warren, max, kate

Crush(es): warren

Pet(s): n/a

Scent: strawberry

Blood type: AB+


Accessories: n/a

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Accessories: n/a

Makeup: n/a

Scars: has a scar on her eye and a burn injury covering her stomach

Tattoo(es): a wolf tattoo on her back

Jewelry: n/a

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