lexi (portal 2)

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Name: Lexi Johnson

Gender: female

Personality: mischievous, quiet, brave, confident, funny, kind

Family: cave Johnson (father, deceased)

Likes: science, wheatley, being near anything that reminds her of her dad, the portal gun

Dislikes: glaDoS, getting hurt, when she can't solve a puzzle

Extra: she has bad kidney due to a birth defect.

Backstory: Delilah had always been very smart and skipped several grades because of how smart she was. But because of her bad kidney, she struggled with many things in life and was bullied throughout her life because of how smart she was. When her father died, Delilah dropped out of school and wanted to continue his work for him but they wouldn't let her because she.was too young so instead... She became a test subject.

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