skylar (love letter from thief x)

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Name: skylar nashimi

Gender: female

Pronouns: she/them

Age: 22

Height: 5'6

Occupation: museum curator

Likes: ramen noodles, her job, her necklace, her grandpa, helping others, black foxes, paintings

Dislikes: thieves, being kidnapped, when takuto steals her food

Crush(es): riki, takuto

Friends: hiro, tatsuro (childhood friend), atsumu, kenshi

Backstory: as a young girl, skylar was abandoned but her grandpa found her and raised her, however she had no idea who her grandfather was and he gave her a necklace and a black fox to remember him by. When her grandpa died, skylar went to the orphanage where she was always bullied until except for one boy who was always there for her. However when they turned 18 she was separated from her childhood friend when she became a museum curator.



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Main Outfit:

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Main Outfit:

Main Outfit:

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