violet (Jurassic world)

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Name: violet

Gender: female

Species: unknown but she's a mix of a indominus rex, raptor and an unknown dinosaur

Likes: hunting, biting, playing, mice, eating, tristan

Dislikes: humans (except for tristan), being talked down, guns, tranquilizers, vehicles, doors

Speed: 80mph tho only when she's hungry her average speed is 75mph

Weight: 200 lbs

Height: 5'5 (from the hips)

Habitat: rainforest

Diet: mice, goats, anything that moves

Extra: she has been trained by tristan since she was a baby and has grown to like him but she hates any other humans and certainly hates those who hurt Tristan.

Personality: protective, aggressive, territorial, gentle

Bite force: 18000 lbf

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