storm (twilight host club)

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Name: storm

Gender: non-binary

Pronouns: they/them

Age: 23

Height: 5'4

Personality: tough, brave, kind, caring, protective, bit of a bookworm, tomboy

Likes: supernaturals, writing, reading, vampires, brett

Dislikes: sylvia, dead bodies, their friends getting hurt, nils

Friends: lia (roommate) brett (childhood friend)

Crushes: finn, ash

Backstory: storm grew up without parents since her mom died after her birth and her father left her mom when he found out she was pregnant. Storm was in an orphanage for 5 years, getting abused and bullied before she finally ran away and survived on her own. Even on the streets tho she was abused by others who passed by her and someone actually cut her mouth slightly open on the right side. Eventually she learned to defend herself and started studying the supernaturals and became a writer.

Extra: wears a mask to cover her mouth, knows karate and more

Everyday Outfit:

Everyday Outfit:

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