ember (dishonored)

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Name: ember

Gender: female

Role: assassin

Personality: bubbly, protective, kind, sweet, loving, smart

Crush: corvo

Age: 38

Height: 5'9

Likes: emily, her job, being useful

Dislikes: failing her job, the lord regent

Extra: she has a large scar on her stomach

Backstory: ember grew up with no parents and was sold to be an assassin at the age of 3, ever since she's been training everyday to become what she is now. However when she turned 25 she went on her first mission and was badly wounded in the stomach by corvo when she attempted to assassinate the empress the one time, she was able to escape just in time but later on after she healed had to be sent to help him protect the empress.

Assassin mask:

Assassin outfit:

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Assassin outfit:

Assassin outfit:

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Normal outfit:

Normal outfit:

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