The Serum's Effect

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Chapter: 16

Archer had only been at the agency for a little while but if he’d gotten to know anything during his short stay, it was that there was never any chaos at the agency. The night that Stella and Miles left to go and get his sister though, seemed to have broken that streak.

He was heading back to his room – he had no choice but to call it that now since it was made very clear to him that he wasn’t leaving the agency any time soon – when he heard two pairs of footsteps running. He was about to turn the corner when someone bumped into him, his vision filling with a flash of orange-red hair. Autumn.

Instead of stopping to apologize, she kept running, ignoring him like he wasn’t even there. A second later, Tyler ran past him, following Autumn. He furrowed his eyebrows and scanned his eyes around the agency. Though everyone seemed to be doing what they were always doing, the tension in their shoulders was visible. Archer thought for a moment, before turning around and walking in the direction Autumn and Tyler had gone.

It wasn’t hard to find them; unsurprisingly, both of them were in the laboratory Autumn was always working in, along with Zack, Wyatt, Mr. Brown, and an unrecognizable brunette girl who looked about as weak and pale as Zack did.

Autumn was looking down at a pile of papers, biting her lip. Her hair was down and tangled like she’d taken a shower and she was dressed in her night attire. Another thing he’d noticed during his short stay at the agency was that Autumn never let her hair down and was always in the uniform the other agents seemed to forget sometimes – or more often now than before, he suspected.

“What’s going on?” He asked after observing in silence for a moment.

Autumn’s head whipped up and for a moment, she glared at him. He was so used to that glare now, any other expression from her toward him would seem out of place. Her expression changed though, when a blond boy ran into the room, breathing heavily.

“Flora’s not in her cell,” he said and the words seemed to travel from each member of the agency one by one like a current, creating tension between them. Archer had heard that name during some of their discussions and was briefly aware of Kylee and the situation with her mother and the possession serum. He didn’t know enough to understand what was going on though. He waited for someone to say something but when no one spoke, he sighed irritably.

“What’s going on?” he asked again.

Autumn looked at him again, her eyes burning with rage. She moved away from the table and walked toward him, her body tensed. “Do yourself a favor, and shut the hell up!” she seemed ready to launch at him and would’ve done it if it wasn’t for the blond boy who caught her arm.

“Autumn, relax,” he said calmly but he seemed a little surprised at her outburst. Everyone did whenever she seemed angry and Archer suspected the limit to her patience was something no one but him was ever able to cross. Lucky me.

He glared back at her because even though he’d pressed them to let him go back to Chicago and later to find his sister, he hadn’t done anything right now which gave her the right to be angry at him. He didn’t think she was angry at anyone but herself though. She was just taking it all out on him.

“It’s late,” Mr. Brown interjected before either Archer or Autumn could say anything. “Archer, you should go back to your room.” He was going to protest but something in the old man’s voice told him that this was an argument he wasn’t going to win.

Reluctantly, he walked out of the lab and in the direction of his room.


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