Who I Am

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Chapter: 01

Wyatt stared, horrified, as Kylee fell into his arms, her eyelids shut. She was suddenly pale, all the color leaving her face and lips. The others gathered around them, having heard Kylee’s cry of pain, shouting her name. Wyatt couldn’t hear them though; all his senses were fixed on Kylee.

Autumn had told him what the possession serum could do to a person’s mind if they were injected with it. All those words returned to Wyatt and he refused to believe that it was going to happen to Kylee.

He saw Autumn quickly pull the syringe out of Kylee’s leg. It was empty and she was staring at it with a horrified expression. Somewhere near him, Wyatt heard a laugh. He looked up to see Flora on the ground, laughing with triumph. Mr. Brown walked toward her and she looked at him.

“You really thought I wouldn’t do that? Who did you think I wanted the serum for?” Wyatt looked up at Mr. Brown who was staring down at Flora with a mixture of horror and guilt. “When you handed me that serum, you practically handed over one of your agents. It was never the serum for Cole. It was an agent for an agent.”

Mr. Brown took Flora’s arm and lurched her up. “You are coming with me.” It was the roughest tone Wyatt had heard Mr. Brown use. “Take her to the infirmary,” he ordered the others. “Ross, you know what to do.” Autumn nodded at him.

Wyatt inhaled sharply, trying to put his emotions in control. He lifted Kylee and speed-walked to the infirmary with Autumn in tow. Upon entering the infirmary, Wyatt laid her on one of the many beds and heard Quinn call for Amelia. He let Autumn take over from there with a round metal in her hand.

“What’s going to happen to her?” Stella asked anxiously, moving to stand at her best friend’s side.

“Flora’s going to try to reach out to her as soon as she wakes up. But when I made the serum, I also made something that would block the signals carrying Flora’s commands,” Autumn said, attaching a string to the metal object.

“Like a shield?” Miles asked. It was the closest understatement in his vocabulary, Wyatt knew that much. Beside him, he saw Zack sigh.

“Yes, like a shield,” he said, fixing his gaze back on Kylee.

Amelia came into the infirmary. She took off Kylee’s jacket and Wyatt inhaled sharply at what he saw. Along her arm, there was a long gash, bleeding. He was sure Kylee didn’t even notice she had it. As Amelia began to clean it, Kylee stirred awake. Wyatt moved forward, alerted, but Autumn held out an arm.

“No, get back, all of you,” her voice sounded urgent so Wyatt didn’t argue. They all took a step back. “Amelia, leave her wound.”


“I said leave it!” Amelia didn’t argue further and stepped back. Wyatt blinked at Autumn, surprised at her tone. Kylee opened her eyes. Seeing the hazel color in them, Wyatt relaxed but tensed when it disappeared, replaced by a deep blue one. It was the same color as the serum. All of them backed away, even Wyatt, though he was a bit hesitant.

Kylee drew in a quick breath and shut her eyes tightly, grunted. Her hands fisted at her sides and her whole body tensed. She breathed heavily.

“Kylee, listen to me—” Autumn started.

“Get away from me!” Wyatt’s heart leaped. Her voice held pain and struggle and it was a constant effort for him to resist the urge to reach out and wrap her in his arms.

“Kylee, you have to listen!” Autumn said. “Do not let Flora in.”

“I can’t!” Every inch of her was trembling and Wyatt hated to see her like this. “I can’t, she’s too strong!”

Possession| Book 2Where stories live. Discover now