♠️✶╬❇️╬ 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓕𝓸𝓻𝓰𝓸𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓷 𝓜𝓮𝓮𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰╬❇️╬✶♠️

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Damn slay I have no story board for this and the one before even though I'm making this like 4 weeks in advance so the next few will be drafts because I have no time to make these so yeah sorry! Also this chapter will be short anyway... enjoy this chapter! <3


Michiyo's POV:

Ah yes so I may or may not have forgotten that I had a meeting this week when I was preparing for high school, 'Yare yare, why is life so hard, surely father will go by himself. OOOooo I could fake being sick? Yeah I'll do that.' I thought and then put on a little bit of blush and some extra things to make myself look sick and then called father to call sick. Lucky me it rained yesterday, Kami is looking out for me!

"BRING BRING BRING" My phone rang as I waited for father to pick up.

'Yes Sweetie anything you need, are you feeling alright? I heard you were out in the rain yesterday?' He spoke a little worry present in his tone.

'Akemi you goddess I love you so much, thank you!' I mentally praised Akemi for her help in aiding my sickness lie.

"I have come down with a cold and a temperature so I went to the doctor an hour ago, I will be out of commission for a few days as he told me to stay in bed so I will not be able to come to the meeting tomorrow please send them my greetings." I said as I 'sneezed' and blew my nose as I heard him sigh.

'I guess it can't be helped, though I will be sending notes of the meeting to you when it is over tomorrow.' he said as he said his goodbye and hung up.


"THANK YOU DEAR KAMI FOR THIS I LOVE YOU!!" I shouted as I walked downstairs where I was greeted with the queen herself Akemi. she was in the lounge room giggling as she heard my phone call and asked the obvious.

"Let me guess, you faked being sick because you forgot about a business meeting so you got all sick looking and because of those acting classes you fooled your dad into thinking you were sick, then came down thanking Kami for getting away with it like some scooby-doo villain that actually got away shit?" she listed exactly why you were happy making you suspicious.

"The way you are spot on is terrifying but yeah, Author-chan didn't want to write it even though the storyboard said that I meet Akashi-chan but they were too busy with school to make this chapter how it was suppose to be." She said as Author-chan went wide eyed as Akemi chuckled and looked at the now broken 4th wall.

"WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO ABOUT THE WALL MAN, CALL FUCKING BOB THE BUILDER?!" Author-chan yelled through the broken wall. "Yes." I replied in a monotoned voice as Akemi snickered and looked at the author.

"Wooow thanks for the enthusiasm your so amazing." Author-chan said as she called up the Fourth wall repairer to come fix the now shattered wall. Scoffing as Fourth wall repairer Y/N L/N came in they turned around and went back to their school work as Y/N finished the wall repairing session.

~Time skip: Brought by the inclusion of the Fourth wall repairer, Y/N L/N~

After that interesting meeting....? Me and Akemi made our way to the kitchen as I started cooking some food, I decided to keep the sickness act up all day just in case father came by to check on me.. though that would never happen he was too busy. 

As I set the food on the table I heard the knocking on my front door, Luckily my lazy ass refused to get the door but ran up the stairs to hop into bed and checked the camera to see who it was. And guess who it was?

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